Kursens undervisningsperiod

3 (2019-01-01 till 2019-03-17)









Rekommenderat studieår



5 sp


The aim of the course is that students will gain
a broad understanding of the effect of
digitalization on the economy, on business
activities and on business strategies. The wider
effect of digitalization of the world economy, on
societies and individuals will also become clear,
and students will have a grasp of societal and
ethical considerations. Some key technologies
have been introduced to the students.


After the completion of the course, students:
- Understand the fundamental trends and
technologies in digitalization
- Understand the effects of digitalization on the
world economy, on business and individuals
- Can strategically apply digitalization to
various business activities


- Digitalization trends and technologies
- A digital world economy
- Business strategy
- Societal, legal and ethical considerations
- Digitalization of sales: work shop
- Digitalization of supply chains
- Digitalization of financial management


First year business studies, basics of marketing

Mer information

This course is the first course of the module
Digital Transformation. The module is planned to
be taken as a whole 15 credits package. The other
two courses are called Service Design and
Customer experience Management


Rogers, David L. The Digital Transformation
PlaybookSlis Brian; Leading Digital Transformation
Materials distributed through itslearning


  • Föreläsningar - 30 timmar
  • Studiebesök och demonstrationer - 10 timmar
  • Praktiska övningar - 30 timmar
  • Projekt- och produktionsarbete/konstnärlig verksamhet - 40 timmar
  • Nätbaserade - 23 timmar


  • Kursens totala antal arbetstimmar: 133 timmar
  • Varav självstyrda studieformer: 133 timmar
  • Varav schemalagda studier: 0 timmar


Flerformsundervisning (delvis nätundervisning handledd eller självstudier)


  • Tentamina (skriftliga-, muntliga-, hem-)
  • Essä, rapporter, produktioner och portfolio


1. Book exam, max 50 points of which 50% is
required to pass the course. Re-exams TBA
2. Written assignment, max 40 points of which 50%
is required to pass the course. One attempt only.
3. Guest lecture/workshop, 10 points.


  • Kietz Tove
  • Stenius Andreas
  • Tigerstedt Christa


Stenius Andreas

Antal kursplatser

Ingen begränsning (28 studenter anmälda)

Delprestation i kraft till

Tills vidare


2018-12-25 till 2019-01-21


  • 2019-03-01 - Tentamina
  • 2019-03-05 - Rapporter och produktioner
Datum Tid Rum Titel Beskrivning Organisatör
2019-01-16 12:15 - 17:00 B518 Strategies in a digital economy Course Intro and Assignments, Megatrends Fabricius Susanna
Kietz Tove
Stenius Andreas
2019-01-21 12:15 - 17:00 D4109 Strategies in a digital economy Effects of digitalization on various aspects of society Stenius Andreas
2019-01-30 12:15 - 17:00 A510 Strategies in a digital economy Strategy Stenius Andreas
2019-02-06 13:15 - 18:00 A510 Strategies in a digital economy Digital Transformation Kietz Tove
2019-02-13 13:00 - 17:45 A510 Strategies in a digital economy The Digital Maturity Tigerstedt Christa
2019-02-19 13:15 - 18:00 A510 Strategies in a digital economy Leading and Achieving Digital transformation Kietz Tove
2019-02-27 12:15 - 17:00 A510 Strategies in a digital economy Case Stud Presentation, Guest Lecture Jeroen Aarts Kietz Tove
Tigerstedt Christa
2019-03-01 14:00 - 17:00 A510 Strategies in a digital economy Exam Kietz Tove
2019-03-29 12:15 - 15:15 D4106 Strategies in a digital economy Re-exam 1 Kietz Tove
2019-04-25 13:00 - 16:00 B320 Strategies in a digital economy Re-exam 2 Kietz Tove

Kurs och studieplanssökning