Kursens undervisningsperiod

  • 3 (2019-01-01 till 2019-03-17)
  • 4 (2019-03-18 till 2019-07-31)


Allmäna studier







Rekommenderat studieår



5 sp


Målet för kursen är att ge studenten praktiska
färdigheter i grundvården.


Efter praktiken förväntas tudenten kunna koppla
samman teorikurserna (anatomi och fysiologi,
farmakologi, mikrobiologi, patologi, klinisk
och vårdvetenskap).

Börja förstå kommunikationens betydelse under

Följa instruktioner och utföra uppgifter givna

Bli bekant med sjukskötarens dagliga uppgifter.

Förstå aseptikens betydelse och arbeta

Kan förbättra patientens välmående genom att
skapa en vårdrelation med patienten

Kan ge grundvård till patienten

Delta i palliativ vård

Bemöta patienten med respekt och se denne som
enskild individ

Studenten är medveten om den egna
och ber om handledning när det behövs.

Börjar tillämpa vårdvärderingar, idéer and etik
det egna arbetet


Målet för kursen är att ge studenten praktiska
färdigheter i grundvården.


För att kunna delta i kursern behöver studenten
klarat av kursen: Klinisk vård 1 och
Patientsaäkerhet och läkemedelshantering

Kursen ersätter följande kurser

- Clinical Practice: Clinical Nursing I (NS-1.009
- Clinical Care Practical Training (NS-1.009 (0))


  • Föreläsningar - 2 timmar
  • Självstudier - 6 timmar
  • Praktik - 127 timmar


  • Kursens totala antal arbetstimmar: 135 timmar
  • Varav självstyrda studieformer: 135 timmar
  • Varav schemalagda studier: 0 timmar




För godkänd prestation krävs att studenten blir
godkänd på yrkespraktiken och skriftliga arbetet


  • Gray Pamela
  • Mannevaara Pauleen
  • Ray Jan-Anders


Mannevaara Pauleen

Antal kursplatser

Ingen begränsning (35 studenter anmälda)

Delprestation i kraft till

12 månader efter kursens slutdatum


2018-10-01 till 2019-07-31

Datum Tid Rum Titel Beskrivning Organisatör
2019-02-12 14:15 - 15:30 B522 Clinical Care Practical Training Come if you wish to know about the practical trainings. What documents you need, where to find them and what to think about before and during the practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-04 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-05 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-06 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-07 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-08 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-09 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-10 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-11 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-12 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-13 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-14 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-15 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-16 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-17 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-18 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-19 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-20 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-21 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-22 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-23 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-24 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-25 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-26 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-27 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-28 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-29 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-30 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-03-31 08:00 - 17:00 Clinical Care Practical Training These are the recommended weeks for your first practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen
2019-04-01 09:00 - 10:30 D4110 Clinical Care Practical Training This is mandatory for everyone who have done the practical training. Mannevaara Pauleen

Kurs och studieplanssökning