Kursens undervisningsperiod

2 (2023-10-23 till 2023-12-31)









Rekommenderat studieår



5 sp


Within this study unit we will focus on the following competencies: Profession specific competence in Design
SDG's in Focus
4 - Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Once you have completed the study unit you will have

An understanding of the principles of Statics and the ability to analyse problems in a systematic and logical manner (knowledge)

The ability to construct free-body diagrams and to apply equilibrium equations in the solution of engineering problem (knowledge, skill)

The ability to find the reaction forces in loaded beams (knowledge, skill)

The ability to determine internal forces in members within trusses (knowledge, skill)

The ability to calculate centroids and moments of inertia (knowledge, skill)


Force Vectors
Equilibrium of a particle
Force system resultants
Equilibrium of a rigid body
Structural Analysis
Center of gravity and centroids


It is recommended to have studied 10 ECTS of Mathematics with a solid foundation in trigonometry.
It is assumed students know high school level trigonometry before starting the course.

Kursen ersätter följande kurser

Mechanics (2020, PT-1-014 (0))

Mer information

Graded exercise 1 is compulsory for continuation of the course. The deadlines for assessment tasks are given in itslearning.


Course textbook: Hibbeler, "Engineeering Mechanics - Statics"
15th Edition in SI units.


  • Föreläsningar - 20 timmar
  • Individuell handledning och grupphandledning - 12 timmar
  • Projekt- och produktionsarbete/konstnärlig verksamhet - 20 timmar
  • Självstudier - 30 timmar


  • Kursens totala antal arbetstimmar: 82 timmar
  • Varav självstyrda studieformer: 82 timmar
  • Varav schemalagda studier: 0 timmar




  • Tentamina (skriftliga-, muntliga-, hem-)
  • Essä, rapporter, produktioner och portfolio


20% Compulsory Graded Exercise 1
80% Final Exam/ Re-Exam

50-59 Grade 1 Satisfactory
60-69 Grade 2 Satisfactory
70-79 Grade 3 Good
80-89 Grade 4 Good
90-100 Grade 5 Excellent

A pass grade of at least 40/80 in the exam/re-exam and a total mark of at least 50/100 is required in order to pass the course. Students who do not complete the compulsory graded exercise 1 will be removed from the course. Previous year's assignments are not valid for students retaking course. Re-exam 1 gives all students an opportunity to improve their grade whether they sat the normal final exam or not. Non attendance of a re-exam is counted as one opportunity. Re-exam 2 is only for students who did not pass the first normal exam. Re-exam dates are viewable at the bottom of the course description at the time of the final exam.

No formula sheet or MAOL tables are provided in the exam.

Follow good scientific practice in studies at Arcada:


Vihtonen Mathew


Vihtonen Mathew

Antal kursplatser

Ingen begränsning (61 studenter anmälda)

Delprestation i kraft till

Tills vidare

Kursens tidtabell

Refer to the plans tab in itslearning.


2023-10-09 till 2023-11-05


  • Tentdatum meddelas senare - Tentamina
  • Datum meddelas senare - Rapporter och produktioner
Datum Tid Rum Titel Beskrivning Organisatör
2023-10-24 09:00 - 12:00 D4107-08 Statics Vihtonen Mathew
2023-10-31 13:30 - 16:30 A409 Statics Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-07 09:00 - 12:00 D4107-08 Statics Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-14 09:00 - 12:00 D4107-08 Statics Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-21 09:15 - 12:00 D4107-08 Statics Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-24 10:30 - 12:00 F249 Sisusession för PM2, PM3, PM4, EM4 & Media2-OM på campus och online This session is in Swedish! Sessionen är för andra, tredje och fjärde årets studenter i Process- och materialteknik, för fjärde årets studenter i Energi- och miljöteknik samt Online media åk 2 Delta i Teams-mötet via denna länk: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OGViZDQ3NGItYzA2OC00NWE2LWFjNzEtNjAzNDE1NTExNDQz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286080f64-b23d-4f93-8c43-e65f2588b9c3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295120ab9-e6c5-4d68-b283-421bbe101856%22%7d Ahlroth Siri
Eerola Sabina
2023-11-27 14:15 - 15:15 D4109 Student Dialogue MSE2 & PM2 Student dialogue for 2nd year students in MSE and PM. You can participate the meeting in D4109 or in Zoom. Studentdialog för 2 årets studenter i MTH och PM.  Du kan delta i studentdialogen I D4109 eller på Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://arcada.zoom.us/j/65495904537?from=addon Meeting ID: 654 9590 4537 --- Join by SIP 65495904537@ ? 65495904537@ --- Join by H.323 ? ? Meeting ID: 654 9590 4537 Anukka Harri
Björkvall Rasmus
Mustasilta Elina
Ullah Rizwan
2023-11-28 09:00 - 12:00 F249 Statics Vihtonen Mathew
2023-12-05 09:15 - 11:30 A409 Statics (revision - optional drop in) Vihtonen Mathew
2023-12-12 09:00 - 12:00 F249 Statics Final Exam Final Exam on Campus Vihtonen Mathew

Kurs och studieplanssökning