Kursens undervisningsperiod

2 (2023-10-23 till 2023-12-31)









Rekommenderat studieår



5 sp


In this study unit the focus lies on the following competence:

Profession specific competence in modelling

Education for sustainable development goals:
4 - Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Upon completion of this study unit:

You can understand engineering drawing standards and practices (Knowledge)

You have knowledge of 1st angle and 3rd angle projections (Knowledge)
You understand true length lines in the creation of developments (Knowledge)
You can produce 2D orthographic projections and plans using AutoCAD software (Skills)


Course content:
Introduction to drawing and Orthographic projection
AutoCAD set-up and commands
Editing entities in AutoCAD
Isometric and Oblique drawings
Sectional Views
Auxiliary Views
Dimensions and title blocks in AutoCAD
True Length Lines and Developments


None. Students who have already passed the course in a previous year can not retake the course.

The course is however not recommended for open university students without special permission due to the already maximum seats for the computer classes being filled.

Kursen ersätter följande kurser

Teknisk ritning och CAD

Mer information

No compulsory attendance of lectures (although recommended). AutoCAD will be used as demonstration.

For home software:
https://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/autocad Extern länk

https://famnen.arcada.fi/lab/software.php Extern länk

Students not fitting into this classroom group of 40 students should enrol to the PM-2-030 (0) group found from the Materials Processing Technology (Swedish) - Process- och materialteknik programme.


"Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics", Frederick E. Giesecke.

"Machine Drawing", Narayana, K.L; Kannaiah,P.

Refer to itslearning for more details.


  • Föreläsningar - 15 timmar
  • Individuell handledning och grupphandledning - 20 timmar
  • Praktiska övningar - 50 timmar
  • Självstudier - 30 timmar
  • Nätbaserade - 20 timmar


  • Kursens totala antal arbetstimmar: 135 timmar
  • Varav självstyrda studieformer: 135 timmar
  • Varav schemalagda studier: 0 timmar


Flerformsundervisning (delvis nätundervisning handledd eller självstudier)


  • Tentamina (skriftliga-, muntliga-, hem-)
  • Essä, rapporter, produktioner och portfolio


20% - Individual Assignment 1 - Orthographic Projection, Compulsory

Final Exam/Re-exam (80%) - A mark of at least 40/80 is needed.


  • Anukka Harri
  • Vihtonen Mathew


Vihtonen Mathew

Antal kursplatser

Ingen begränsning (47 studenter anmälda)

Delprestation i kraft till

Till datum 2023-11-26

Kursens tidtabell

Refer itslearning for detailed weekly schedule and under "plans" tab.


2023-10-09 till 2023-11-05


  • Tentdatum meddelas senare - Tentamina
  • Datum meddelas senare - Rapporter och produktioner
Datum Tid Rum Titel Beskrivning Organisatör
2023-10-23 13:00 - 16:00 E383 Technical Drawing Introduction Vihtonen Mathew
2023-10-30 13:00 - 16:00 E383 Technical Drawing Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-06 09:00 - 12:00 E383 Technical Drawing Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-10 10:30 - 12:00 F249 Sisu session for students in MSE and MPT on campus and online This session is in English for the students in Mechanical and Sustainable Engineering/Materials Processing Technology. Take a laptop with you. Here is the link to the online session (copy-paste it to participate): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmNhMWZhM2EtNTAyZi00ZjEzLWIxNDAtODIzNjA0ZWY5ODQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286080f64-b23d-4f93-8c43-e65f2588b9c3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295120ab9-e6c5-4d68-b283-421bbe101856%22%7d Ahlroth Siri
Eerola Sabina
2023-11-16 09:00 - 12:00 E383 Technical Drawing Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-20 09:15 - 12:00 E383 Technical Drawing Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-27 09:15 - 12:00 E383 Technical Drawing and Measuring Vihtonen Mathew
2023-11-27 13:00 - 14:00 D4109 Student dialogue - MSE1 & MTH1 Student dialogue for 1st year students in MSE and MTH. You can participate the meeting in D4109 or in Zoom. Studentdialog för 1 årets studenter i MTH och MSE.  Du kan delta i studentdialogen I D4109 eller på Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://arcada.zoom.us/j/65129922956?from=addon Meeting ID: 651 2992 2956 --- Join by SIP 65129922956@ ? 65129922956@ --- Join by H.323 ? ? Meeting ID: 651 2992 2956 Anukka Harri
Björkvall Rasmus
Mustasilta Elina
Ullah Rizwan
2023-12-08 13:15 - 15:30 E383 Technical Drawing (optional drop in) Vihtonen Mathew
2023-12-18 13:00 - 16:00 E383 Technical Drawing Final Exam Exam Vihtonen Mathew

Kurs och studieplanssökning