Kursens undervisningsperiod

1 (2018-08-01 till 2018-10-21)


Allmäna studier







Rekommenderat studieår



5 sp


-Develop an understanding of the principles of Statics and the ability to analyze problems in a systematic and logical manner.


Efter avklarad kurs förväntas den studerande vara förmögen att:

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to...
1.An ability to construct free-body diagrams and to apply equilibrium equations in the solution of engineering problems.
2.An understanding of the analysis of distributed loads.
3.A knowledge of internal forces and moments in members.
4.An ability to calculate centroids and moments of inertia.
5. To use SolidWorks in the solution of truss design.


Introduction and 2D Force and Moment Systems (Chapter 1 & 2, Engineering Mechanics, Statics, Meriam)

3D Force and Moment Systems (Chapter 2)

Equilibrium (Chapter 3)

Structures (Chapter 4)

Distributed Forces and Centre of Mass (Chapter 5)

Introduction to Kinematics (Chapter 2, Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, Meriam)


10 ECTS of Mathematics courses.
Solid Modelling with SolidWorks also recommended.

Course limit: 45 students due to size of classroom. If the limit is reached, students who do not have this course as a mandatory part of their curriculum in the given period and year may take the course via independent learning using the available online resources.

Kursen ersätter följande kurser


Mer information

Although the attendance of weekly lectures is recommended, it is not compulsory. Students may thus choose to complete all work (except the final exam/re-exam) at home.

Graded exercise 1 is compulsory for continuation of the course. The deadlines for assessment tasks are given in itslearning.


You may purchase the printed texts or the online e-book (at about 50% of the printed cost) through the links below.
Author J.L. Meriam

Engineering Mechanics, Statics
https://www.wiley.com/en-fi/search?pq=meriam%20statics%7Crelevance Extern länk

Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics
https://www.wiley.com/en-fi/search?pq=meriam%20dynamics%7Crelevance Extern länk


  • Föreläsningar - 14 timmar
  • Individuell handledning och grupphandledning - 7 timmar
  • Praktiska övningar - 8 timmar
  • Projekt- och produktionsarbete/konstnärlig verksamhet - 20 timmar
  • Självstudier - 86 timmar


  • Kursens totala antal arbetstimmar: 135 timmar
  • Varav självstyrda studieformer: 135 timmar
  • Varav schemalagda studier: 0 timmar


Flerformsundervisning (delvis nätundervisning handledd eller självstudier)


  • Tentamina (skriftliga-, muntliga-, hem-)
  • The required submission dates for graded exercises are shown in itslearning.


20% Compulsory Graded Exercise 1
80% Final Exam/ Re-Exam

50-59 Grade 1 Satisfactory
60-69 Grade 2 Satisfactory
70-79 Grade 3 Good
80-89 Grade 4 Good
90-100 Grade 5 Excellent

A pass grade of at least 40/80 in the exam/re-exam and a total mark of at least 50/100 is required in order to pass the course. Students who do not complete the compulsory graded exercise 1 will be removed from the course. Previous years assignments are not valid for students retaking course. Re-exam 1 gives all students an opportunity to improve their grade whether they sat the normal final exam or not. Non attendance of a re-exam is counted as one opportunity. Re-exam 2 is only for students who did not pass the first normal exam.


Vihtonen Mathew


Vihtonen Mathew

Antal kursplatser

Ingen begränsning (25 studenter anmälda)

Delprestation i kraft till

Till datum 2018-09-27

Kursens tidtabell

(week 35): Introduction and 2D Force and Moment Systems (Chapter 1 & 2, Engineering Mechanics,Statics, Meriam)
(week 36): 3D Force and Moment Systems (Chapter 2)
(week 37): Equilibrium (Chapter 3)
(week 38): Structures (Chapter 4)
(week 39): Distributed Forces and Center of Mass (Chapter 5)
(week 40): Introduction to Kinematics (Chapter 2, Mechanics, Dynamics, Meriam)
(week 41) Revision (drop in class - optional)
(week 42) Exam and Feedback


2018-08-13 till 2018-09-09


  • 2018-10-18 - Tentamina
  • Datum meddelas senare - Övriga uppgifter
Datum Tid Rum Titel Beskrivning Organisatör
2018-08-29 09:15 - 12:00 D4109 Mechanics Vihtonen Mathew
2018-09-06 09:15 - 12:00 D4109 Mechanics Vihtonen Mathew
2018-09-13 09:15 - 12:00 B320 Mechanics Vihtonen Mathew
2018-09-20 09:15 - 12:00 D4109 Mechanics Vihtonen Mathew
2018-09-27 09:15 - 12:00 D4109 Mechanics Vihtonen Mathew
2018-10-04 09:15 - 12:00 D4109 Mechanics Vihtonen Mathew
2018-10-11 09:15 - 11:00 D4109 Revision - Mechanics drop in class (optional) Vihtonen Mathew
2018-10-18 09:15 - 12:00 D4109 Mechanics Final Exam Vihtonen Mathew
2018-10-26 09:15 - 12:15 E383 Additive Manufacturing (Feedback on Mechanics exam at 11:15) Vihtonen Mathew
2018-11-28 09:15 - 12:00 A510 Mechanics Re-Exam 1 This is the only opportunity for students to improve their grade who passed the final exam. Students who did not attend or did not pass the final exam should also take this exam. Vihtonen Mathew
2019-03-20 09:15 - 12:00 D4107-08 Mechanics and Materials Design Re-Exam . Vihtonen Mathew

Kurs och studieplanssökning