Congratulations and welcome to Arcada! We wish you a fantastic time here. On these pages you can find more information about the introduction days.

Introduction day for your programme

Here you will find all the important details about the start of your study (introduction day(s)). Please, read carefully the information found on your own programme page. Remember to activate your Arcada IT account.

Bachelor programmes:

Master programmes:

Additional Information

Arcada Student Union – ASK provides new students with tutors! The tutors will support you to start your studies at Arcada UAS. Read more about the tutors here.

Meanwhile, you could find more useful information by simply clicking on the links below.

International Degree Students

This page is intended for new international degree students at Arcada! Here you can find useful information for foreign students, including useful tips related to living and studying in Finland.

Keys to Campus

Your electronic flex key is personal and allows you to access Arcadas classrooms and computer rooms weekdays from 7.00-20.30 and weekends from 9.00-16.30 (limited access to spaces). See terms and conditions. You will also need your flex key whenever you want to print, copy or scan something at Arcada.

Finding your way around Arcada

On this page you will find information about how to find your way around Arcada. Read more about the Tuudo app and watch the video "Arcada in two minutes" to get to know our campus.