Wondering how to find your way? On this page you will be able to learn how to read our room numbers, about the Tuudo app and watch the video "Arcada in two minutes" to get to know our campus.

Get to know Arcada's main building


The Arcada house is divided into six different blocks: A-F. Your lectures organised on campus are located in these blocks (with the exception of lectures/exercises organised in the Arcada Hall).

Illustration over the blocks of Arcada A, B, C, D, E, F

Room numbering - find your classroom

Arcada's room numbers are a combination of one letter and three numbers. To best navigate your way around, read the room numbering from left to right. The letter tells you which block you are going to, while the three digits are the actual room number. The first digit is always based on which floor the room is on. Inside the blocks, the doors are marked with the three digits (for example "311").

Most block doors also have a screen next to them, where you can see the list of all the rooms in that block floor.

How to read our room numbers

The Tuudo app

The Tuudo app - your digital best friend in your back pocket - offers you news, information about your studies, today's lunch, maps and much more.

Tuudo can be downloaded and installed via either the Play Store or the App Store. After installing and opening the app, select Arcada from the list of universities. Log in with your Arcada account. You only need to log in the first time.

Arcada in two minutes

Familiarise yourself with Arcada's campus by watching the video "Arcada in two minutes".

Remote video URL