This programme has no intake during year 2025.

Qualification awarded: Master of Engineering
Level of qualification: 2nd cycle
Scope: 60 ECTS credits
Duration: 1 year (full-time)
Mode of study: full-time
Language of tuition: English
Programme director: Mark Dougherty

The master’s degree programme Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering (EASE) has a unique, Nordic profile within a rapidly changing field. In this programme, we focus on sustainable change in energy systems. You will learn how analytical and modelling tools can be implemented in supervisory systems for the purpose of improved understanding and more efficient operation. We look at how physics and data can be used to create digital twins and how digital models support sustainable change in engineering design and transition towards a circular economy. The programme prepares you for taking on leadership roles within various fields of engineering and provides you with the skills needed for supporting the transition towards more sustainable engineering.

The programme is offered in collaboration with Åland University of Applied Sciences (UAS). While most of the studies take place online, students are also expected to physically attend curricular activities both on Arcada’s campus in Helsinki and on Åland UAS’s campus in Mariehamn for a few weeks during spring semester.

What you will learn

  • skills in designing and implementing analytical tools in supervisory systems
  • skills needed for adapting supervisory systems to different applications within engineering, especially within renewable energy systems and smart grids
  • how to support changing business models towards including service and maintenance within engineering applications on a general level
  • how digital twins can be used for designing and improving automatic systems
  • how models of engineering systems can be combined with sensor data for system health management and predictive maintenance
  • how to incorporate your understanding in supervisory systems for, e.g., improving operation, automation and control
  • different strategies that can be used for controlling generated power in addition to controlling demand in electric grids.

Examples of future positions

After completing this master’s degree, you can take on leadership roles in:

  • developing measurement and supervisory systems for engineering applications
  • developing automation and production lines, and improving efficiency through use of models and data
  • designing model-based engineering solutions
  • driving sustainable change in engineering systems and support the transition towards a more circular society.

Nordic collaboration that creates a unique programme

In this programme, you can expect top-quality teaching. Our teaching teams represent both institutions and possess extensive expertise within the field of energy automation, covering anything from supervisory systems to data analysis. Online learning is combined with on-campus labs, presentations and visits to industrial partners, both in mainland Finland and on Åland. Industrial partners include Ilmatar Offshore, Inficon, Flexens and OX2. You will get a unique opportunity to make use of highly equipped and state-of-the-art facilities – physical and digital – on both Arcada’s campus in Helsinki and on Åland UAS’s campus in Mariehamn.

There is also an extensive Nordic network specifically for the field of this programme. You can expect to have opportunities for collaboration and joint projects with Mälardalen University and programmes in Sustainable Energy Systems, Intelligent Embedded Systems, and Robotics, and with Aalborg University and programmes in Advanced Power Electronics and Offshore Energy Systems.