Applying for your degree certificate is the final thing you have to do to graduate from Arcada.
When should I apply for my degree certificate?
You can apply for your degree certificate when all studies included in the degree are passed and registered in the student information system. You must be enrolled and registered as present to be able to apply. The application is continuous and completed online. Processing time is three weeks after submission of a complete application. Please note that during the holiday season processing times are longer. Postage is not included in the processing period.
If you receive financial aid for students your graduation date may affect it; please familiarise yourself with Kela's regulations. External link If you apply for a degree certificate too early during a month during which you would get financial aid (before the 18th of that month), you will have to pay back that month's financial aid after you have graduated.
Please see more information about deadlines and processing times here.
Applying for your degree certificate
Before you start filling out the application for degree certificate please make sure you have completed the following:
- Upload your thesis in Theseus External link
- If you wrote your thesis before autumn 2024: send your thesis evaluation statement to E-mail: studentaffairs for archival.- If you wrote your thesis during or after autumn 2024 you do not need to send in the statement yourself.
- Fill in the national AVOP questionnaire, mandatory for all graduating UAS students.
- Join the Arcada Alumni network by registering here External link, and read more about the Alumni Relations here. External link
- Please note that you need to register separately for the graduation ceremony, which can be done via a link you will receive when you fill in your application. Read more about the graduation ceremony here.
Now you are ready to proceed to the application for graduation. This is done in Sisu. You can find it under Structure of studies. When you have completed all your courses a green notification will appear to inform you that you can apply for graduation. You can then click on the yellow symbol to open the application.
Got questions about the graduation process? Send us an e-mail at E-mail: studentaffairs
Practise rights for nurses
Nursing students who wish to get their degree registered and get the right to practice as a registered nurse in Finland must apply for their practice rights.
After you receive your degree certificate, please fill out the electronic form (unfortunately still only available in Finnish or Swedish). External link The decision will be mailed to you by Valvira along with the bill for the application fee. Valvira's processing time is 30 work days.