Before you apply for a degree certificate you must submit your degree thesis to the university.

As of 18 January 2022, all degree projects will be registered in Theseus.

You can either save the work in

  1. the open collection, i.e. the work is openly available on the internet, or
  2. the restricted collection, i.e. access is limited to the IP addresses established by Arcada. Read more about the restricted collection on Theseus External link.

In line with open science, Arcada, like all other universities of applied sciences in Finland, recommends that degree projects be saved in the open collection. If you still choose to save your work in the limited collection, you should remember that a Thesis is always a public document that all interested parties can access. This means that the college must offer the opportunity for the public to read the work, even if it is saved in the limited collection.

Submission of degree projects that are confidential:

The work, excluding the confidential parts, is published on Theseus. The entire work is sent as a PDF to the library, which stores it on a secure server.

Instructions for registering the Thesis in Theseus

Each student registers their approved Thesis in PDF format in Theseus according to the instructions on Theseus External link.

You can start registration when the statement for your Thesis is dated. The version of the Thesis registered in Theseus must be identical to the approved work. If a Thesis has several authors, the authors agree on who registers the work, so that it is uploaded only once.

When your Thesis is approved on Theseus, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. The work is made visible in Theseus only after the library staff and Student Affairs have checked that all data is correctly entered. 

Theses worth 5-10 credits; students who have already completed a higher education degree

If a part of your degree project has been validated because you have already completed a previous university degree, you can in certain cases be allowed to write a so-called Academic essay worth 5 or 10 credits. These academic essays should be sent to the library for archival over e-mail before you apply for a degree certificate. The e-mail address is

You can still print your work for yourself

If you want to print your work for yourself, then it is possible to do this at your own expense. However, we no longer accept printed works at Arcada's library. To get the right blue color, we recommend the bookbinder V&K Jokinen. Contact details are available via this link External link.

Master theses to be published in a scientific publication

These work is uploaded on Theseus, just like other theses, but the author informs the library by e-mail that the thesis will be sent for publication in a scientific journal. The library does not publish the thesis directly on Theseus, but gives an embargo period of one year to give the writer time to get the article published. Once the article is published, the student notifies the library of the matter and of the embargo period required by the publication for parallel publication on Theseus (this must be approved by the publication, as theses are always public documents by law). In such cases, the library can postpone the date of publication of the work on Theseus to coincide with the publication's embargo period.