Writing Workshop and information search on Tuesdays!

Are you stuck in the writing process? Do you need assistance with finding sources for your research or answers to questions on reference use? Do you need a sounding board for vocabulary choice or style, or support to continue with assignments independently? We now offer a writing workshop in the library on Tuesdays from 14.00-16.00.

Campus online har stängt

At the turn of the year, the Campus online platform was closed. During spring, Arcada is working to launch a replacement service, RIPA.

Change agents needed! Application time 2.12-31.12.2024

We are looking for change agents! Are you curious and want to work on sustainable solutions in a cross-disciplinary Nordic Baltic team. Take the chance and apply for the project (3-5 ECTS) which will conclude with an intensive week in Åland Islands in April 2025!

A free Course on Finnish Working Life

Akava is offering a free course regarding the Finnish working life for international students. The course is a self-study online course with excellent content, that would for sure help you in integrating to the working life in Finland.