On this page you can find information about how to accredit previous studies or validate previously acquired competences.

On this page you can find information about how to accredit previous studies or validate previously acquired competences.

Study coordinators

Name: Elisa Jåfs och Susan Wiksten

Position: Study Coordinator

Profilbild saknas

We help with (among other things):

  •     Discount cards (HSL and KELA meal vouchers) NOTE! With a student card you get these benefits. We recommend that you use the HSL app.
  •     Academic year registration
  •     Study rights
  •     Application for a diploma
  •     Credits for external achievements
  •     Forms and certificates
  •     Change of first or last name and personal identity number

Visiting hours in the library and telephone hours (note that you can send us an e-mail at any time): 

Monday  No visiting hours
Tuesday    No visiting hours
Wednesday 10-12 in the library
Thursday  12-14 telephone hours
Friday   No visiting hours

FAQ accreditation

Here you can find some of the most common questions about accreditation and the application process.

Validation of Competences

You can request validation of such competences in your study plan that you have informally/formally acquired before or during your studies.