ATC Global Solutions
INS Trade Media Services

International Business students now have the possibility to apply for an internship at ATC Global, MySpeaker or INS Trade Media Services.

As you might know Arcada has an internship program with some companies in Helsinki. All students who have participated before have seen how this internship possibility has helped them in their integration into the Finnish working-life and the companies have been impressed by the students. You see some pictures from earlier interns here attached.

This is why we are very excited to now offer you the possibility to apply to these internships. One is specifically in logistics (ATC Global) and two are in marketing (MySpeaker and INS Trade Media Services). You find more information about the positions in the attachments.

This internship will give you 30 study credits and therefor cover both your practical training 1 and 2. The position is full time work but you will be able to attend exams and presentations that you need at schools if you inform the employer about your school dates before the internship starts.

The positions are unpaid but we stress that it is very important for you to get a good internship in Finland to integrate and get the business network needed for further work possibilities after graduation. This is why we strongly recommend that you apply for this and through this get 1) good work experience that is recognized by other employers later on 2) build your CV for later employment 3) start building your business network in Finland.

Send your application by email to Linn and add a cover letter and your CV. Also mark which of the internships you are interested in.

Application time: April 8th 2024 to April 28th 2024

Send application to: E-mail:

Internship time: 27 May 2024-11 October 2024

The interviews will be around 6th to 13th of May 2024

The following application will be in August for the internship period 30.9.24-14.2.25.