The course takes place in period

3 (2018-01-01 to 2018-03-18)


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

5 cr

Competency aims

The aim of the course is to develop knowledge about OT by:
- having a basic understanding about the process that guide the practical work for the occupational therapist
- having a basic understanding about how activities may be adjusted, graded or adapted to support the right of the individual to be active

The student develop her competence about the occupational therapy process and professional reasoning by:
- having av basic understanding about the occupational therapists work during different parts of the process
- having an understanding about the assessment process meaning for the therapy
- being able to use professional reasoning during assessment to identify physical, social and cultural factors along with attitudes, that may affect the clients occupational performance

The student develop her competences about professional reasoning and companionship by:
- understanding the meaning and principles of client centered work
- being aware of the principles of client centered work during assessment process
- being able to use the principles of goal planning together with the client

The student develop her ethical competence by:
- developing understanding about the ethical principles that guide the work of the occupational therapist

The student develop her competence about communications by:
- interviewing, observing and makeing written reports about the assessment results

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is able to:
- explain the contents in OT process (CPPF)
- present the most relevant contents of theories of practice within PEOP, MoHo and CMOP-E and describe the use of these models in professional reasoning in OT
- describe the process of assessment in OT
- define reliability and validity and understand the importance of these in the assessment process
- discuss the ethical principles that guide the work of the occupational therapist
- use interviews and observation to gather relevant information and knowledge
- analyze and adapt an activity
- using Goal Attainment Scaling method (GAS)define client-centered goals
- use the classification of OT in basic OT documentation
- examine the manual of an assessment instrument
- contribute to the blog at inside.arcada by writing about the own learning process

Course contents

The occupational therapy process, client-centered work, the assessment process, goal attainment, activity analysis, reporting

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Ground course in OT

Additional information

Participation in International week

Recommended or required reading


Townsend,E. , Polatajko, H. 2007. Enabling
Occupation II: Advancing an Occupational Therapy.
Vision for Health, Well-Being & Justice through
Occupation. Ottawa: CAOT Publications ACE. Kap. 9
och 10

Activity analysis:
Creapeau, E. et al. 2003. Williard & Spackman´s
Occupational Therapy. 10 th ed. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. Kap 16
OT ethical guidlines

Interview, assessment:
Hagedorn R. Tools for Practice in Occupational
Therapy. 2000. Churschill Livingstone. kap 14,
Interviewing, kap 18, Introduction to assessment
of individual potential, ability and needs

Client-centered practice:
Sumsion, T. 2006. Client-centered practice in
Occupational Therapy. 2nd ed. Churchill
Livinstone, Elsevier. Kap 1

Klientcentrerad måluppsättning:
BovendÉerdt, T et al. 2009. Writing SMART
rehabilitation goals and achieving goa
lattainment scaling: a practical guide. Clinical
Rehabilitation 2009; 23: 352-361

Turpin, M. & Iwama, M. K. 2011, Using
Occupational Therapy Models in Practice. A field
guide. Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone kap 4
(del: PEOP), 5, 6

Dokumentation, att skriva utlåtande:
K. Sames. 2010. Documenting Occupational Therapy
Practice. 2ed. Pearson. Kap. Introduction, Kap 1.
Ergoterapiterminologi 2003. Finlands
kommunförbund 2007.

Other literature:

Christiansen, C & Baum, C. 1997. Occupational
Therapy: Enabling Function and Well-Being. Second
edition. USA: Slack

Hautala, T. & Hämäläinen, T. & Mäkelä, L. & Rusi-
Pyykönen, M. 2011. Toiminnan Voimaa.
Toimintaterapia käytännössä. Helsingfors: Edita.
Kapitel 3 i sin helhet.

Law, M. et al.2005. Measuring Occupational
Performance. Supporting best practice in
occupational therapy. 2 nd ed. Slack incorp. Kap
1, 2, 3

Kielhofner, G. 2007. A model of human Occupation:
Theory and Application. 4rd ed. Baltimore:
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

Lindstedt, H., Ivarsson, A-B. Goal Attainment
Scaling, GAS, Måluppfyllelseskala, Manual.
Skriftserie i vårdvetenskap 3, 2008, Örebro
universitet 2008.

www: External link External link

Study activities

  • Lectures - 25 hours
  • Practical exercises - 15 hours
  • Small-group work - 37 hours
  • Individual studies - 37 hours
  • International week - 20 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 134 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 134 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Participation in tuition

Assessment methods

Exams (written-, oral-, home-)

Assessment requirements

To pass the course the student should pass the
following examinations:
- Written examination (grades 1-5)
- Work in small groups about: assessment process and theories of practice (graded passed / not passed)
- participation in workshops


  • Peri Heidi
  • Werner Tove


Werner Tove

Group size

No limit (11 students enrolled)

Assignments valid until

Until date 2018-05-31


  • 2018-04-13
  • 2018-06-08

Course enrolment period

2017-05-02 to 2018-01-21

Assessment methods

2018-03-07 - Exams

Room reservations
Date Time Room Title Description Organizer
2018-01-09 09:15 - 11:15 B325 Ergoterapiprocessen Introduktion till kursen Tidtabell Upplägg Internationell vecka Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-10 13:00 - 16:00 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier: CPPF kap 9 och 10 Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-11 09:15 - 11:30 B325 Ergoterapiprocessen Föreläsningserbjudande: CPPF och egen modell Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-15 09:15 - 11:30 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier: Klient- / personcentrerad ergoterapi Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-17 13:15 - 15:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Föreläsningserbjudande: Person- och klientcentrerat arbete Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-19 09:15 - 11:30 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier: Bekanta dig med och med ppt - Bedömning av människan i aktivitet på Its L. Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-24 13:15 - 16:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Föreläsningserbjudande: Bedömning Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-25 09:00 - 14:00 D4104 Ergoterapiprocessen Grupprum för ET bedömning examinationsuppgift
2018-01-25 09:15 - 16:00 Ergoterapiprocessen praktiskt bedömning hela dagen bokad självstudier/ gruppstudier Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-29 09:15 - 16:00 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier: Aktivitetsanalys, GAS och SMART Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-30 09:15 - 12:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Föreläsningserbjudande: Goal Attainment Scaling, GAS och SMART-principen Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-01-31 09:15 - 15:00 B325 Ergoterapiprocessen Workshop: Aktivitetsanalys i Diak Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-05 08:30 - 16:00 D4106 International Week Arola Annikki
Peri Heidi
2018-02-06 08:30 - 16:30 B518 International Week Arola Annikki
Peri Heidi
2018-02-07 08:30 - 16:00 D4106 International Week Arola Annikki
Peri Heidi
2018-02-08 08:30 - 16:00 D4106 International Week Arola Annikki
Peri Heidi
2018-02-09 08:30 - 16:00 D4106 International Week Arola Annikki
Peri Heidi
2018-02-12 13:15 - 15:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Föreläsningserbjudande: Praksismodeller Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-13 08:00 - 12:00 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier:MOdel of Human Occupation, MOHO och PEOP Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-14 10:00 - 14:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Föreläsningserbjudande: MOHO kl 10-11.45 och PEOP kl 12.45-15.00 Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-15 09:15 - 11:30 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier: CMOP-E Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-16 09:15 - 11:30 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Förelsäaningserbjudande: CMOP-E och info om grupparbete i förhållande till praksismodeller Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-26 10:00 - 12:00 Ergoterapiprocessen Självstudier: ergoterapins etiska principer Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-27 09:15 - 11:30 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Workshop: genomgång av praksismodellerna Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-27 12:30 - 16:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Workshop: Terminologi och utlåtande Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-28 10:00 - 12:00 B328 Ergoterapiprocessen Workshop: ergoterapins etiska principer Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-02-28 10:00 - 14:00 B516 Ergoterapiprocessen Peri Heidi
2018-03-07 10:00 - 13:00 D4110 Ergoterapiprocessen TENTAMEN Peri Heidi
Werner Tove
2018-03-14 13:15 - 16:00 B516 Hälsa seminarium Lilla auditoret kl. 13-16 Peri Heidi
Werner Tove

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