The course is included in these curricula and study modules

The course takes place in period

1 (2021-08-01 to 2021-10-24)


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

7 cr

Competency aims

In this study unit the focus lies on the following
The module covers the competence to work for
sustainable health with a base in occupational
You have basic knowledge of the basic concept of
occupational science in particular regarding the
nature of the occupation and its relationship to
the person's everyday life.
You have the basics knowledge of the relationship
between person, occupation and environment and its
impact on occupations in everyday life.
You can at the basic level explain theories which
are relevant to the profession.
You understand the importance of occupation for
health and for a meaningful life.

Generic competence
Learning and career skills and technological
You can at the basic level use study strategies
and you can constructively carry out the studies
both individually and in groups.
You have basic knowledge of accessibility in
digital environments.

Sustainability goals:
SDG3: Guarantee a healthy life and encourage
prosperous for all ages.

Learning outcomes

You have basic knowledge of the importance of
occupations for the experience of wellbeing.
You have a basic knowledge of the concept
participation and its significance for
everyday life.
You can explain the meaning and value of
occupations based on the ValMo model.
You can, o a basic level, reproduce the
meaning of the terms Doing, Being, Becoming
and Belonging for persons of different ages.
You have an understanding of relevant
prevention strategies to promote positive
physical and
mental health and well-being.

You can, at a basic level, describe the
significance of occupation for the experience
wellbeing and its importance for
participation in everyday life.
You can use Oval-9 to determine the value of
You can use the terms Doing, Being, Becoming
and Belonging to describe
its importance for wellbeing.
You can reflect on the importance of
occupations in everyday life for persons of
different ages and different life situations.

You respect the importance of meaningful
occupations for the wellbeing of individuals.
You respect the meaning and significance of
occupations for persons of different ages.
You realize the value of occupation as a
basis for the profession.

Course contents

Basic knowledge of occupational science
Different perspectives on occupations
The meaning of occupation in different ages

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No previous knowledge required

Previous course names

Basic course in occupational therapy 2020.

Recommended or required reading

Christansen, C., & Townsend, E. 2010. Introduction
to Occupation. The Art and Science of Living. 2:a
upplagan. Pearson: New Jersey. Kap 1 och 5.
Clark, F., Parham, D., Carlson, M., Frank, G.,
Jackson, J et al. (1991). Occupational science:
Academic innovation in the service of occupational
therapy's future. American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, Vol 45, p300-310. External link
Hitch, D., Pépin, G., & Stagnitti, K. (2014). In
the Footsteps of Wilcock, Part One: The Evolution
of Doing, Being, Becoming, and Belonging.
Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 28 (3), 231-
246. DOI: 10.3109/07380577.2014.898114.
Hitch, D., Pépin, G., & Stagnitti, K. (2014) In
the Footsteps of Wilcock, Part Two: The
Interdependent Nature of Doing, Being, Becoming,
and Belonging, Occupational Therapy In Health
Care, 28(3), 247-263, DOI:
Nelson, D. (1996). Occupation. Therapeutic
Occupation: A Definition. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 50, 775-782. External link
Nelson, D. (1988). Occupation. Form and
performance. American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 42, 633-641. External link
Sveriges arbetsterapeuter (2018). Vad heter det på
svenska? Grundläggande begrepp och perspektiv inom
arbetsterapi. Tillgänglig: External link-
Word federation of occupational therapists.
(2012). Position statement occupational science.
Tillgänglig: External link-

Study activities

  • Lectures - 15 hours
  • Individual- and group instruction - 5 hours
  • Small-group work - 10 hours
  • Individual studies - 147 hours
  • Seminars - 5 hours
  • - 20 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 202 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 202 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Multiform education

Assessment methods

Essays, reports, productions and portfolio

Assessment requirements

Graded portfolio. Detailed description can be found
in Itslearning.


  • Arell-Sundberg Marina
  • Arola Annikki
  • Peri Heidi
  • Werner Tove


Arola Annikki

Group size

No limit (20 students enrolled)

Assignments valid until

Until date 2022-01-07

Course enrolment period

2021-08-09 to 2021-09-05

Assessment methods

2021-10-14 - Reports and productions

Room reservations
Date Time Room Title Description Organizer
2021-08-31 13:15 - 16:00 D4106 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Introduktion till modulen och studieenheterna Arell-Sundberg Marina
Arola Annikki
Werner Tove
2021-09-01 08:30 - 10:00 D4106 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen nedan Aktivitetsvetenskapens grunder. Begreppet aktivitet     På CAMPUS, alternativt via zoom. Se länken       Annikki Arola is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 643 3795 4382 Join by SIP 64337954382@ 64337954382@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 643 3795 4382 Arell-Sundberg Marina
Arola Annikki
2021-09-01 10:15 - 12:00 B326 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Introduktion till examinationen. Vad är en portfolio? Arell-Sundberg Marina
Arola Annikki
Werner Tove
2021-09-03 09:15 - 11:15 B516 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Follow up på bokens kap. 1 An introduction to occupation (Christiansen and Townsend). Tillfället hålls i Arcada. Werner Tove
2021-09-07 09:15 - 12:00 B518 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen och Socionomens verksamhetsfält Livscykelperspektivet i förhållande till begreppen Doing, Being, Belonging och Becoming Ahlroth Linda
Arola Annikki
2021-09-08 08:30 - 10:00 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen ONLINE: Introduktion till självstudier kring Grundbegreppet Aktivitet Arell-Sundberg Marina
Arola Annikki
2021-09-14 09:00 - 11:00 B518 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen WORKSHOP på CAMPUS: Aktivitetens betydelse i vardagen - uppföljning av uppdrag kring aktivitet i medier Arell-Sundberg Marina
2021-09-17 09:15 - 15:00 D4109 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Kl.9.15: Föreläsningserbjudande: Delaktighet i aktivitet Kl.11-12 Kl.12: Workshop Välbefinnande i aktivitet(TW) Du kan delta i Campus eller online registrera på IL Meeting ID: 695 4364 6460 Werner Tove
2021-09-20 14:00 - 16:45 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen ONLINE: Presentation av ValMO -modellen och färdighetsträning kring kartläggningsinstrumentet OVal-9 Arell-Sundberg Marina
2021-09-23 10:00 - 11:30 B522 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Handledning kring examinationsuppgift (AA)   Annikki Arola is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 624 0776 8554 Passcode: 455767 Join by SIP 62407768554@ 62407768554@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 624 0776 8554 Passcode: 455767 Arola Annikki
2021-09-29 09:00 - 11:00 D4110 Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen På Campus: Uppföljning av Oval-9 uppdraget - Aktivitetens värde och känslan av delaktighet och välbefinnande is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 668 8780 0393 Join by SIP 66887800393@ 66887800393@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 668 8780 0393 Arell-Sundberg Marina
2021-10-20 09:00 - 12:00 Webbinarium Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Hej, Vi genomför seminariet som ett webbinarium online. Webbinarium kring Aktivitet och aktivitetens väsen Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 688 2845 1883 Join by SIP 68828451883@ 68828451883@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 688 2845 1883 Arell-Sundberg Marina
Arola Annikki
Werner Tove

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