If you are an international IB student you have the possibility to get your mandatory 30cr internship through our internship model.

Arcada has a new internship mode for international students, this helps you to get a good internship in Finland. The first company that we launched the internship model with was Quuppa and 2 interns started there in September. The feedback has been great and the second interns are already chosen and will start there in January. Now we have two new companies that have joined our internship model Finn Church Aid and C & C Port Agency Finland. This can give you a great opportunity to complete your compulsory internship of 30cr in a Finnish company. This means that this year 3 international students/company will be able to participate in these pilot projects and get their 30 study credits from 20 weeks of internship. We will now choose candidates for the two first internship periods. These internships are non-paid but gives you 30 study credits and experience of working in a Finnish company as well as a credible Finnish company name on your CV. At the end of your 20 week internship you will, during your last 2 weeks, be the trainer of the next intern, a good opportunity to develop your skills as a trainer.

The internships’ starts:

1st intern: January 9th – May 29th

2nd intern: May 15th – October 2nd

These two internships are applied for at the same time. Please note in your application your preferred time, look at your study plan and see how it fits your studies. Arcada will also be flexible if you have to study and work at the same time.

For more information on the internships see the attached files.

https://www.arcada.fi/en/article/cooperation/2022-06-21/arcada-strengthens-position-international-students-finnish-labour External link