The course takes place in period

2 (2017-10-23 to 2017-12-31)


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

5 cr

Competency aims

The aim of the course is for the student to be able to write and analyze scripts.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to work with the central elements of scriptwriting and to use these in his/her own writing.

Recommended or required reading


McKee, Robert (1999) Story - Substance, structure, style, and the principles of Screenwriting.
London: Methuen.

A Poetics for Screenwriters (2001): Lance Lee
University of Texas Press

Vacklin, Anders & Rosenvall, Janne & Nikkinen, Are (2007) Elokuvan Runousoppi - Käsikirjoittamisen syventävät tiedot.
Helsingfors: LIKE.

Study activities

  • Lectures - 45 hours
  • Individual- and group instruction - 10 hours
  • Practical exercises - 80 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 135 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 135 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Participation in tuition

Assessment methods

  • Exams (written-, oral-, home-)
  • Essays, reports, productions and portfolio

Assessment requirements

To pass the course the student should pass the following examinations:
Examination 1 Passed written exam
Examination 2 Script for short film
Examination 3 80% attendance. Participation i all six exercises.


  • Nordström Robert
  • Nåls Jan
  • Lyytikäinen Leila


Nåls Jan

Group size

No limit (12 students enrolled)

Assignments valid until

Until further notice

Course enrolment period

2017-05-02 to 2018-07-31

Assessment methods

  • Date of examination will be announced later - Exams
  • Date will be announced later - Reports and productions
Room reservations
Date Time Room Title Description Organizer
2017-09-19 09:15 - 12:00 C350 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan
2017-11-02 09:15 - 15:00 A309 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan
2017-11-07 09:15 - 15:00 C350 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan
2017-11-09 10:15 - 12:30 D4104 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion
2017-11-09 13:00 - 16:00 A311 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion
2017-11-16 09:15 - 15:00 C350 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan
2017-11-28 09:15 - 15:00 C350 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan
2017-12-05 09:15 - 15:00 C350 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan
2017-12-15 09:00 - 16:00 C350 Manus och Regi: Manus för fiktion Nåls Jan

Course and curriculum search