
General studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Total number of ECTS

5 cr

Competency aims

This course is a self-study course that
requires you to be able to read and analyse a
set of texts, to write a script explaining the
key points made in the texts, and turn that
script into a pecha kucha style movie. The
language of the course is English. The reading
and the resulting movie will be in English.

The aim of this exam is to enable students to
take what they are learning and use it to make
a social contribution. Students taking the book
exam will there read and analyse a set of texts
and make a six minute audio-visual presentation
that provides a summary of these in a series of
easy-to-understand points. This summary will be
created in pecha kucha style and will be handed
in as a movie consisting of at least twenty
slides with a recorded commentary.

The movies will be reviewed by staff members
from Film & Media. Those movies that pass the
course to a high enough standard will be
uploaded to a YouTube channel for public
display. (Any students who do not wish to have
their movies displayed publicly will be able to
request this when they take the course.)

Learning outcomes

The movies made during this course will be
reviewed by staff members from Film & Media.
Those movies that pass the course to a high
enough standard will be uploaded to a YouTube
channel for public display. (Any students who
do not wish to have their movies displayed
publicly will be able to request this when they
take the course.)

Course contents

1. For this course you will read one book and
two or more other texts in an area of interest
that appeals to you. You will read one set book
for this area and agree the other texts with
your supervisor.
You will also agree a question or topic to
guide your reading. You will break this topic
down into two or three questions.
When you have read the texts, and thought about
the ways in which they address the questions
you posed, you will answer the questions by
using what you have read to construct an
argument that addresses your reading topic.
You will turn these notes into a script
suitable for a pecha kucha. (If necessary you
should look at pechakucha.org to see example
pecha kuchas.)
You will then present the script to your
supervisor for assessment.
Once the script is approved you create the
actual movie and present that for final
You will present your pecha kucha as a
Powerpoint slide show with a pre-recorded
commentary. You will present it to a live
audience for discussion to complete your
course. If you pass with sufficient grades your
pecha kucha will be added to Arcada's Open
Knowledge online library.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No requirements

Previous course names


Additional information

Please note that you have to sign up for the

Please also note that the list of books are
adjusted to the multimedia field. If the
is planning on reading the books during a
period, s/he is responsible to check that the
is the same.

Recommended or required reading

The current list of books

Topic Area: Concept design and innovation
Seth Godin (2000) Unleashing the Idea Virus.
New York: Do You Zoom

Topic Area: Games and Gaming
Raph Koster (2004) Theory of Fun for Game
Design. O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA

Topic Area: Media Analysis
Marshall McLuhan (1964) Understanding Media.
Routledge, London

Topic Area: Usability
Steve Krug (2014) Don't Make Me Think,
Revisited. New Riders, San Francisco

Topic Area: Web Design
Khoi Vinh (2011) Ordering Disorder, grid
principles for web design. Berkeley, CA: New

Study activities

Individual studies - 133 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 133 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 133 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Virtual self studies

Assessment methods

  • Exams (written-, oral-, home-)
  • Essays, reports, productions and portfolio

Assessment requirements

This course is a self-study course that
requires you to be able to read and analyse a
set of texts, to write a script explaining the
key points made in the texts, and turn that
script into a pecha kucha style movie. The
language of the course is English. The reading
and the resulting movie will be in English.


Ahonen Mirko


Kelly Owen

Group size

No limit

Assignments valid until

12 months after course has ended

The timetable of the course

Kursen går hela tiden och boktentamen skrivs
de allmänna tenttillfällena.

The course runs all year and the exam is
during the general exam dates.

Assessment methods

  • Date of examination will be announced later - Exams
  • Date will be announced later - Reports and productions

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