
Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

10 cr

Competency aims

Aim with this course is that the student gets
deepened knowledge concerning different
qualitative and quantitative methodologies and
methods in research and in theory of science
and ethics. The student must also show deepened
skills to independent work with research and
development by using scientific methods.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is
expected to:
- be able to read and examine scientific
articles, reports and dissertations of
qualitative and quantitative content within the
students discipline
- understand the significance of methodology
and choice of method for knowledge retention
- possess skills to independent planning and
implement qualitative or quantitative research
- possess deepened understanding for national
research ethical attitude
- understand the significance of scientific
dialogue and argumentation in relation to
- have understanding for possibilities and
limitations of knowledge and science
- have capability to write scientific texts and
to present the same
- have capability to analyse research material
in a reliable way
- be able to identify research problems,
formulate the aim and research questions,
choose and create instrument for measure on
basis of earlier knowledge and know how to make
selection, code and accomplish and interpret
results of an analysis

Course contents

- Connection between human and natural sciences
theory and epistemology including theory of
- Methodological basic assumptions at human and
natural scientific research
- Different scientific methodologies and their
features; definition of concepts
- Content analysis, Phenomenology, Grounded
Theory, Action Research and other methodologies
and philosophical basis which are central for
qualitative research
- Methods for data collection, analysis and
interpretation of qualitative design with
emphasis on application research
- Quantitative research approach, research
design, research ethical trial.
- Operationalizing, standardisation and
measurement problems
- Selection procedure, data collection, failure
analysis and processing of collected data
- Descriptive statistics, statistical inference
and hypothesis testing
- Stats graphics
- Use of previously collected material
- SPSS Software for quantitative data analysis
- Reliability of different methodological
design and methods

Recommended or required reading


- Alvesson, M. & Sköldberg, K. 1994. Tolkning
och reflektion. Vetenskapsfilosofi och
kvalitativ metod. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
- Bowling A. 2002. Research methods in health.
Investigating Health and Health Services. Great
Britain. ISBN 0335 20643 3
- Gadamer, H-G. 1997. Sanning och metod i
urval. Urval, inledning och översättning av A.
Melberg. Daidalos, Göteborg.
- Hallberg, L. (ed.)2002. Qualitative methods
in public health research. Theoretical
Foundations and Practical Examples.
Studentlitteratur,Lund ISBN 91-44-02179-8
- Helenius, R. 1990. Förstå och bättre veta.
Beyronds Tryck Ab, Malmö
- Lindholm, L. 2003. Klinisk
applikationsforskning -en forskningsapproach
för vårdvetenskapens tillägnande. I
- Gryning II Klinisk vårdvetenskap red Eriksson
& Lindström. Åbo Akademi. Institutionen för
vårdvetenskap, Vasa (sid 47-62)ISBN 952-12-
- Svensson, P-G. & Starrin, B. (red). 1996.
Kvalitativa studier i teori och praktik.
Studentlitteratur, Lund. ISBN 91-44-39851-4
- Ödman, P-J. 1988. Tolkning, förståelse och
vetande. Hermeneutik i teori och praktik.
AWE/Gebers, Borås

Selectable dissertation for assignment ex:
Nilsson, Margareta 2000 Understanding the
meaning of past, present and future in advanced
age. Very old persons' experiences
of ageing. Centre of Elderly Care Research,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Piirainen, P 2006. Asiakkaan ja asiantuntijan
pedagoginen suhde. Fenomenologinen tutkimus
fysioterapiatilanteista asiakkaiden ja
fysioterapeuttien kokemana. Kasvatustieteen
laitoksen tutkimuksia 207. Helsingin yliopisto.
ISBN 952-10-2675-3.
Ranne, K. 2002. Sosiaalipedagogiikan ydintä
etsimässä. Sosiaalipedagogiikka suomalaisten ja
ruotsalaisten asiantuntihaastattelujen sekä
dokumenttien valossa. Turun yliopiston
julkaisuja sarja C, osa 189. Turku: Turun
yliopisto. ISBN 951-29-2151-0
Wärnå, C. 2002,2005. Dygd och hälsa.
Doktorsavhandling. Åbo Akademi, Institutionen
för vårdvetenskap. Andra upplagan ISBN 952-91-
Öberg, P (1997) Livet som berättelse. Om
biografi och åldrande. Acta Universitatis
Upsaliensis, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala
Dissertations from the Faculty of Social
Sciences 62

- Bryman, A. 1997. Kvantitet och kvalitet i
samhällsvetenskaplig forskning. Lund:
- Eijlertsson G. 2003. Statistik för
hälsovetenskaperna. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Forskningsetiska delegationen 2002. God
vetenskaplig praxis och handläggning av
avvikelser från den. Rapporten tillgänglig
under http://www.tenk.fi/SVE/HTK/htksve.pdf External link
- Jacobsen, D.I. 2007. Förståelse, beskrivning
och förklaring. Introduktion till
samhällsvetenskaplig metod för hälsovård och
socialt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Munro, B.H. 2005. Statistical methods for
Health Care research. (kapitel 1-6,10)
Philadelphia: Lippincott.
- Riksomfattande etiska delegationen för hälso-
och sjukvården (ETENE).2001. Muistilista
eettisten toimikuntien jäsenille ja
tutkijoille. Tillgänglig under
http://www.tukija.fi/fi/julkaisut/ohjeet_ja_suo External link


Alkula, T., Pöntinen, S., Ylöstalo, P. 1994.
Sosiaalitutkimuksen kvantitatiiviset
menetelmät. WSOY
Dahmström, K. 2005. Från datainsamling till
rapport, att göra en statistisk undersökning.
Lund: Studentlitteratur
Djurfeldt, G., Larsson R & Stjärnhagen, O.
2003. Statistisk verktygslåda –
samhällsvetenskaplig orsaksanalys med
kvantitativa metoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Edling, C. & Hedström, P. 2003. Kvantitativa
metoder. Grundläggande metoder för samhälls-
och beteendevetare. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Erätuuli, M. Leino, J., Yliluoma, P. 1996.
Kvantitatiiviset analyysimenetelmät
ihmistieteissä. Kirjayhtymä.
Gustafsson, B., Hermerén, G., Petersson, B.
2005. Vad är god forskningssed? Synpunkter,
riktlinjer och exempel. Stockholm:
http://www.vr.se/download/18.6b2f98a910b3e260ae External link
Julkunen, K. 1997. Hoitotieteen
tutkimusmetodiikka. WSOY.
Launis, V. Pelkonen, R., Pietiläinen, J.
(toim.) 2002. Tutkijan eettiset valinnat:
Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Nummenmaa, L. 2004. Käyttäytymistieteiden
tilastolliset menetelmät. Helsinki. Tammi.
Pallant.J. 2001. SPSS Survival Manual: a step
by step guide to data analysis using SPSS for
Windows. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Raunio, K. 1999. Positivismi ja ihmistiede.
Sosiaalitutkimuksen perusteet ja käytännöt.
Valkonen, T., Koskinen, S., Martelin T. (toim.)
1998. Rekisteriaineistot yhteiskunta – ja
terveystutkimuksessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Worlds Medical Association Declaration of
Helsinki. 2004.Ethical principles for medical
research involving human subjects. Tillgänglig
under http://www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm External link
Registerstudier. Tillgänglig under
http://retki.stakes.fi/FI/rekisteritutkimus/ind External link

Study activities

  • Lectures - 50 hours
  • Practical exercises - 6 hours
  • Individual studies - 150 hours
  • Internet-based studies - 60 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 266 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 266 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Multiform education

Assessment methods

Exams (written-, oral-, home-)

Assessment requirements

To pass the course the student should pass the
following examinations:
- The student will demonstrate knowledge in
analyzing scientific article
- Students will transcribe and analyze a
research interview alternatively other form of
- Active participation in classroom teaching
(absence replaced with the task being discussed
with the examiner). Approved written home


  • Jeglinsky-Kankainen Ira
  • Kettunen Jyrki
  • Lejonqvist Gun-Britt
  • Piippo Jukka
  • Wallinvirta Eivor


Piippo Jukka

Group size

No limit

Assignments valid until

12 months after course has ended

The timetable of the course

25 - 27/1
15 - 17/3

Assessment methods

2015-05-01 - Exams

Course and curriculum search