The course takes place in period

  • 3 (2024-01-01 to 2024-03-17)
  • 4 (2024-03-18 to 2024-07-31)


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

3 cr

Competency aims

The aim of the course is for the student to develop his
professional competence in their knowledge, skills in relation to
the nurse's leadership and entrepreneurship.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to be
able to:

Understand their responsibility for self-leadership and development of
working life skills

Course contents

The importance of leading clientship in leadership as well as in the promotion of
the quality of care and service

The importance of developing the centrality of healthcare
organizational structures and leadership practices to promote health and
social justice

The importance of leading care work in the work community and
the working group's activities as well as in the promotion of care and
the quality

Management of clientship, health profit models, service and care

Health care organizational structures, leadership systems,
the differences between leadership theories and leadership practices

The role and tasks of the leader of care work

Working life skills; work as immediate supervisor and
work community skills, to lead oneself and one's own
competence, collegiality, giving and receiving feedback, cost awareness
and economic activity

Work as immediate supervisor, coordination of clients' care,
prioritization of and resource allocation for tasks, burden of care

Entrepreneurship as a nurse

Mode of Delivery

Supported virtual education

Assessment requirements

To pass the course the student should pass the
following examinations:
Examination 1 ....
Examination 2.... etc.
(examinations include written examination
tests, demonstrations and presentations,
reports and produktions, essays, and also
presence at specified occasions)

The examinations contribute to the final grade
as follows: ...


Pyhäjärvi Daniela


Niemi Annika

Group size

No limit

Assignments valid until

Until further notice

Course enrolment period

2023-11-24 to 2023-12-22

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