The course takes place in period

3 (2019-01-01 to 2019-03-17)


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

5 cr

Competency aims

The aim of the course is to develop knowledge in
psychiatric nursing and care and to provide the
students opportunities to develop their knowledge
and practical competence.Furthermore the student
develops his/her competence in nursing/caring

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is expected
to be able to realize the significance of the
caring relationship and to consciously use
his/her abilities for the benefit of the patient
and his/her relatives. The student will be able
to analyze the limitations in her/his knowledge
and to use supervision as support. The student
will be able to analyze the significance of
ethical principles and to apply them in
psychiatric care. She/he understands the
significance of health promotion, preventive and
rehabilitative mental health work

Course contents

- Tradition and science in psychiatric care
- Dimensions of mental health
- Caring relation
- The nurse in psychiatric care
- Group processes
- Health promotion
- Preventive and rehabilitative care

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Courses from study years 1 and 2

Study activities

  • Lectures - 0 hours
  • Practical exercises - 0 hours
  • Individual studies - 0 hours
  • Seminars - 0 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 0 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 0 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Participation in tuition

Assessment methods

Exams (written-, oral-, home-)

Assessment requirements

To pass the course the student should pass the
following examinations:
1. Participation in seminars, passed

2. Examination, passed


  • Nyström Patrik
  • Savolainen Jari


Savolainen Jari

Group size

No limit (47 students enrolled)

Assignments valid until

12 months after course has ended


  • 2019-04-12
  • 2019-06-07

Course enrolment period

2018-12-25 to 2019-01-21

Assessment methods

2019-02-20 - Exams

Room reservations
Date Time Room Title Description Organizer
2019-01-09 12:15 - 16:00 F249 Psykiatrisk vård Savolainen Jari
2019-01-15 12:15 - 16:00 F249 Psykiatrisk vård Savolainen Jari
2019-01-23 08:30 - 12:00 F249 Psykiatrisk vård Savolainen Jari
2019-01-23 12:00 - 16:00 F249 Psykiatrisk vård Savolainen Jari
2019-01-28 09:15 - 16:00 E486 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; BM Gruppen Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-01-28 09:15 - 16:00 E492 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; BM Gruppen Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-01-29 09:15 - 16:00 E492 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; HV-Gruppen Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-01-29 09:15 - 16:00 E486 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; HV-Gruppen Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-02-11 09:15 - 16:00 E486 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; SJ-Grupp A (från A-K) Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-02-11 09:15 - 16:00 E490 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; SJ-Grupp A (från A-K) Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-02-12 09:15 - 16:00 E492 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; SJ Gruppen B (från L-Ö) Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-02-12 09:15 - 16:00 E486 Psykiatrisk vård Simulering; SJ Gruppen B (från L-Ö) Nyström Patrik
Savolainen Jari
2019-02-18 09:00 - 13:00 D4107-08 Klinisk vård VII: Psykiatrisk vård Psykiatrisk vård för grupperna FV 16, BM 16, HV 16 och SJ 16. Tema kroppsbild och kroppsideal, ätstörningar och vård samt bemötande av personer som lider av en ätstörning Föreläsningar från Ätstörningscentrum, Livslustprojektet, Julia Backman & Ira Zetterborg. Savolainen Jari
2019-02-20 09:00 - 12:00 F249 Klinisk vård VII: Psykiatrisk vård TENTAMEN Savolainen Jari

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