The course takes place in period

  • 1 (2023-08-01 to 2023-10-22)
  • 2 (2023-10-23 to 2023-12-31)


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

10 cr

Competency aims

The aim of the course is to develop the
student's clinical competence to improve her/his
knowledge about and capacity
to act in the context of mental health care.

Tämän kurssin tarkoituksena on kehittää
opiskelijan kliinistä osaamista ja lisätä
opiskelijan tietoja ja kykyä toimia

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is expected
to be able to,
Oppimistavoitteet harjoittelujaksolle:

Theoretical competence:
Teoreettinen osaaminen
-Knows the structure of psychiatric health care
Omaa tietoa psykiatrisesta

-Has knowledge about mental health and
disturbances in mental
Omaa tietoa mielenterveydestä ja eri
mielenterveyden häiriöistä

Competence to act in practical situations:
Osaaminen käytännön tilanteissa

-Understands the special aspects of the
in mental
health care and has capacity to apply this
Ymmärtää psykiatrisen hoitoprosessin
ominaispiirteitä ja osaa soveltaa niitä

-Is able to identify, meet and take care of
patients suffering from
different kind of mental problems and illnesses
Osaa tunnistaa, kohdata ja hoitaa erilaisista
psyykkisistä ongelmista ja sairauksista kärsiviä

-Can participate in planning, realizing and
evaluation of patient
care, furthermore has capacity to create an
individual plan for
patient care
Pystyy osallistumaan hoidon suunnitteluun,
toteuttamiseen ja arviointiin sekä laatimaan
kirjallisen hoitosuunnitelman

-Understands the meaning of caring relationship,
furthermore has
capacity to use the self to promote patient's
mental health
Mieltää hoitosuhteen merkityksen ja pystyy
tietoisesti käyttämään omia taitojaan potilaan
terveyden edistämiseksi

Ethical competence:
Eettinen osaaminen
-Can apply ethical principles in psychiatric
Osaa soveltaa eettisiä periaatteita
psykiatriseen ympäristöön

-Is aware about own capacities and limits,
furthermore can use
counseling as a professional tool for self
Tiedostaa omat rajansa ja osaamistasonsa, sekä
pystyy hyödyntämään ohjausta oman ammatillisen
kasvun kehittämisessä

-Understands variations in the phenomena of
closeness and
distance in psychiatric care
Ymmärtää läheisyys/etäisyys ilmiön variaatioita
psykiatrisessa hoitotyössä

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Theoretical studies in psychiatric care,
furthermore theoretical
and practical studies from study year 1 and 2.
Medical calculation exam must be valid according to
Arcada instructions.

Additional information

The practical placements are reserved by
Jobiili and during the time they are in the

The place should be booked at least 2 weeks
before the start of the practice so there is
time to confirm the place.

Confirmed practical training place must be
cancelled 2 weeks before the start in case of
that student cannot attend the training.

The CV needs to be updated before reservations.

Inform the teacher that you are going to
practical training.

An accomplished practical training with all
assignments required have to be done and
within 12 month after the practical training is
over. After that the practical training is
outdated and needs to be re-done.

If it has been over two years since one or more
of the required prerequisite courses have been
completed, the student should demonstrate
sufficient knowledge before participating in
course by participating in the course or the
practical exercises of the course with approved

Mode of Delivery

Participation in tuition

Assessment requirements

To pass the course the student should pass the
practical studies
and assignments related to the practical studies.


  • Mannevaara Pauleen
  • Sjölund Terese


Mannevaara Pauleen

Group size

No limit (9 students enrolled)

Assignments valid until

Until further notice

Course enrolment period

2023-05-10 to 2023-12-10

Room reservations
Date Time Room Title Description Organizer
2023-09-11 12:00 - 16:00 Z004 Clinical practice: Learning and Tutoring & Psychiatric Nursing Introduction Learning and Tutoring, practical training information for both psychiatric nursing and learning and tutoring. Arcada students only   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 664 4225 0141 Mannevaara Pauleen
Sjölund Terese
2023-09-18 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-19 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-20 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-21 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-22 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-25 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-26 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-27 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-28 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-09-29 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-02 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-03 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-04 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-05 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-06 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-09 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-10 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-11 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-12 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-13 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-16 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-17 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-18 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-19 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-20 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-23 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-24 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-25 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-26 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-27 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-30 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-10-31 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-11-01 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-11-02 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-11-03 08:00 - 16:00 Clinical practice: Psychiatric Nursing
2023-11-15 09:00 - 12:00 Z001 Clinical practice: Learning and Tutoring & Psychiatric Nursing Reflection session on Zoom - Arcada students only!   Meeting ID: 664 9675 9263 Mannevaara Pauleen
Sjölund Terese
2023-12-18 09:00 - 15:00 D173 Student Dialogue on for Arcada students Eronen Lotta
Mannevaara Pauleen
Sjölund Terese
Åkermarck Erica

Course and curriculum search