The course takes place in period

  • 1 (2018-08-01 to 2018-10-21)
  • 2 (2018-10-22 to 2018-12-31)
  • 3 (2019-01-01 to 2019-03-17)
  • 4 (2019-03-18 to 2019-07-31)


Extension studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Total number of ECTS

5 cr

Competency aims

This course is a part of the course ensemble called Active and critical
citizenship, where you have the chance to choose three (3) out of
four(4) courses with a maximum of 15 ECTS.

The following competences cover all four courses.

The goal of the course is to give the student an insight into the world
of associations and interest- and lobby-work in the framework of
student politics.

The competency aims fall within the framework of Arcada's general
competences. During the mandate you are expected to focus on a
few of these competency aims based on your responcibilities and
reflect over your own development throughout your mandate:

- Know the basics of working in an association and the related
- Know the various actors in the field of higher education and
educational politics
- Can plan and execute activities within the framework of the plan of
work, budget and other steering documents
- Know the basics of financial planning and follow-up
- Can plan your own work individually and also delegate and lead
others in their work
- Can act in groups of various sizes, with individuals from various
backgrounds in at least Swedish and English
- Know different information channels and how these can be used to
reach the relevant target groups
- Can evaluate your own actions within the framework of the course
and reflect on your personal development
- Understand how societal structures and processes impact the
individual and various communities
- Know the societal decision-making processes and praxis
- Understand the meaning of active citizenship

Learning outcomes

This course is a part of the course ensemble called Active and critical
citizenship, where you have the chance to choose three (3) out of
four(4) courses with a maximum of 15 ECTS.

The following competences cover all four courses.

During your mandate you are expected to focus on a few of these
learning outcomes based on your responcibilities and reflect over
your development throughout your mandate:

- Identify processes and dynamics in groups
- Account for the central terminology within the world of associations
and student politics
- know various forms of leadership and their own strengths and
weaknesses as leaders
- know the working basics of associations
- understand the basics of financial planning and governance
- master meeting techniques and –praxis
- work independently and in various groups to gain mutually agreed
- act responsibly in various contexts and with various stakeholders
- utilize information- and communication techniques according to
target group and needs
- plan and execute projects
- reflect over and develop your own actions within the framework of
the course

Course contents

The course focuses on active participation, leadership, critical
thinking, communication and societal influence.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

To take this course you must be chosen as a tutor by ASK's Board.

Recommended or required reading

Note that this litterature list is a suggestion on possible reading and
that the course does replace other courses with same literature.
These sources can be used to support your learning. External link (relaterad lagstiftning) External link (föreningsverksamhet) External link (studerandekårens styrande dokument)
Loimu, Kari: Yhdistystoiminnan käsikirja
Loimu, Kari: Johda yrityksesi menestykseen - puheenjohtajan
Harju, Aaro: Järjestön kehittäminen
SAMOK julkaisu: Opas ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunnan
SAMOK julkaisu: Ammattikorkeakoulu opiskelijan silmin –tutkimus
Harris, Philip R& Morran, Robert T: Managing cultural differences
Austin, Nancy: A passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference
Schein, Edgar H: Organizational Culture and Leadership
Koestenbaum, Peter: Ledarskapsdiamanten: En filosofi för ledare
Kakabadse, Andrew & Kakabadse, Nada: Essence of leadership
Nahavandi, Afsaneh: Art and science of leadership
Rosen, Ronald: Strategic management
Wolvén, Lars-Erik: Att utveckla Mänskliga Resurser: Om Ledarskap
Organisering Kultur och Kompetens
Berggren, Curt (red.): Praktiskt ledarskap: en bok om hur man gör när
man leder människor
Ehrenright, Barbara: Nickel and dimed 2001
Larsson, Reidar: Politiska ideologier i vår tid 2005
Anttonen, Anneli & Sipilä, Jorma: Suomalaista sosiaalipolitiikkaa
Kanaoja, Aulikki; Niiranen, Vuokko & Jokiranta, Harri: Kunnallinen
sosiaalipolitiikka - Osallisuutta ja yhteistä vastuuta (2008)
Heikkilä, Matti & Kautto, Mikko: Welfare in Finland (2004)
Hirdman, Yvonne: Genus - Om de stabilas föränderliga former (2002)
Halford, Susan & Leonard, Pauline: Gender Power and Organisations
Halko, Marja-Liisa: Naiset, miehet ja talous (2010)
Jönhill, Jan Inge: Inklusion och exklusion (2012)
Prechter, Robert R: Pioneering Studies in Socionomics (2003)
Restivo, Sal: Den sociologiska världsbilden (1995)
Chirkov, Valery; Ryan, Richard & Sheldon, Kennon M: Human
Autonomy in Cross-Cultural Context (2011)
Goffman, Erving: Jaget och maskerna: en studie I vardagslivets
dramatik (2009)
Stenaasen, Svein & Sletta, Olav: Grupprocesser: on inlärning och
samarbete i grupper
Ting-Toomey, Stella: Sommunicating Across Cultures (1999)
Gelder, Ken: The Subcultures Reader (2005)
Fabos, Bettina: Media & Culture - An Introduction to Mass
Communication (2009)
Conway, D G: The event manager's Bible

Study activities

Trainings 15-30h
Marketing of Arcada 0-30h
Entrance exams 10-30h
Introduction days 15-20h
Gulis (freshmen) events 10-
Other events 5-40h
Delegate meetings 4-10h
Marketing of ASK, including
member recruitment 10-40h
Group specific meetings with
first year students 5-15h
Support for international
students upon arrival in
Helsinki 0-30h
Personal report, including
related literature and
reflection over own
development and an
evaluation discussion 30h - 135 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 135 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 135 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Multiform education

Assessment methods

Essays, reports, productions and portfolio

Assessment requirements

Self-evaluation - a report reflecting over work done at the end of the
mandate. The report will be handed in as an attachment to the
activity diary handed in to the Secretary. The report will be handed in
attached to the activity diary to ASKs Secretary-General over
ItsLearning no later than three weeks after the end of the mandate.

The report is accompanied by a reflective discussion about personal
learning with the board member in charge of tutoring and the

The course is credited after a statement from ASK based on the
personal report and personal discussion.


Oey Sebastian


Paronen Mikael

Group size

No limit

Assignments valid until

12 months after course has ended

Course enrolment period

2018-09-15 to 2019-05-31

Assessment methods

Date will be announced later - Reports and productions

Course and curriculum search