The course is included in these curricula and study modules


General studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

5 cr

Competency aims

In this study unit the focus lies on the following

Ethical and sustainability competencies

Local and global societal competencies

Business and organisational competencies

Intercultural competencies

SDG's in focus:
#4: Quality education
#9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this study unit:

You are able to identify and describe the UN
Sustainable Development Goals for societal
development, as well as to identify how they are
related to your field and to the development of
Nordic society as a whole. (Knowledge)

You account for the rule of law, and understand
the fundamentals of employment law as a foundation
for the Nordic societal model. (Knowledge)

You can relate your understanding of sustainable
development and ethical principles to concrete
contexts in your profession. (Skills)

You can discuss various contemporary societal
topics in a social, cultural and political
context, doing so critically and analytically.

Stemming from your developed understanding of
sustainability and ethical principles, you are
able to reflect on the choices you make
professionally. (Approach)

You reflect on your ability to contribute to your
environment while bearing in mind the Nordic
welfare model. (Approach)

Course contents

Law (common for all study programmes)

Ethical and sustainable development: What it
means och why it is important, both in general and
within the field of computer science.

UNs sustainable development goals in general and
what they mean within the field of computer

The history of Internet

Introduction to computer networks and networking

Open source software

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Technology and learning

Previous course names

Introduction to Academic Studies

Study activities

  • Lectures - 40 hours
  • Project- and production work/artistic activities - 95 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 135 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 135 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Participation in tuition

Assessment methods

Assessment requirements



Dayama Niraj


Dayama Niraj

Group size

No limit

Assignments valid until

12 months after course has ended

Assessment methods

Date will be announced later - Other assignments

Course and curriculum search