It is everyone's responsibility to work together to establish a safe and secure study environment. In crisis situations, we all need to know how to act. Get acquainted with the following instructions on how to act in a crisis.
It is your obligation to address dangerous situations if you become aware of such and to act in a crisis.
Immediate action in a crisis
In an acute crisis situation at Arcada:
- Always call the general emergency number 112
- Tell them who you are and what has happened.
- Give the address (Arcada, Jan-Magnus Janssonin aukio 1), floor and any other specific information
- Don’t hang up until you are given permission to do so
- Inform the information desk of the situation
- Meet the emergency personnel
Security reports
Arcada's safety reporting tool External link allows you to report observations, incidents, accidents, threats or inappropriate behaviour that affect safety and the environment at Arcada. It is important that you report all event so that we can prevent bigger accidents and investigate incidents.
The tool has several different categories for reports. It is possible to attach images to the reports.
The reports are primarily handled by our Head of Security, but the different categories have different responsible persons. All reports are treated confidentially and anonymously.
Remember that there is no such thing as an unnecessary report - however, there can be serious consequences if you do not report things you have reacted to.
Crisis management team
Arcada's rector leads the crisis management team, which continuously works with safety at Arcada. At Arcada there are also appointed block managers, who are responsible for the safety of the six blocks. In case of a crisis situation, such as fire, accidents, medical emergencies or threatening persons and situations, you must follow the instructions of the block manager. In a crisis, the block manager wears a yellow vest. The Head of Security wears an orange vest.

Arcada’s Rules of Order
Arcada’s Rules of Order are based on the University of Applied Sciences Act. The rules apply to every member, including visitors, of Arcada. The rules apply to Arcada’s all activities, and they ensure a safe and secure study and work environment for every member. It is everyone’s duty to maintain and enhance safety and wellbeing in Arcada.
Security and Safety Policy
Arcada aims to be proactive in every field of security and safety. Every member of Arcada’s society will enhance and maintain security and safety by following the rules and regulations.
Information security
Below you’ll find examples of good practice that will help you, and all of us, in keeping information secured.