If you are faced with an acute crisis, you are expected to be able to react and take action.
In case of an unexpected event at Arcada, such as fire, accidents, attacks of illness or threatening situations (vandalism, assault, etc.), you should act as follows:
- Always call the general emergency number 112
- Tell them who you are and what has happened.
- Give the address (Arcada, Jan-Magnus Janssonin aukio 1), floor and any other specific information
- Don’t hang up until you are given permission to do so
- Inform the information desk of the situation
- Meet the emergency personnel
The info desk will also help you if it’s necessary to reach our own employees who can provide first aid. There is a defibrillator opposite the info point, as well as plasters and bandages for minor injuries.
In the event of a less acute crisis situation that does not require the involvement of the emergency services, you should contact the rector and the head of security.
Possible crises at Arcada
Every crisis is unique and cannot always be predicted, but it is good to be prepared for the most common risks. Here we have collected examples of some possible crisis situations that Arcada has identified.
Fire safety
Prevention is extremely important in fire safety. Observe your surroundings, and always make a safety report if you notice anything that could catch fire. Avoid activities where there is an obvious risk of fire. Make sure evacuation routes are kept clear and that doors are not blocked.
Find out where firefighting equipment is available and know how to use it. In an evacuation, it is important to take the nearest way out, so make sure you know the evacuation routes.
In case of a fire, follow the instructions on the speaker system and the instructions of the block managers (wearing yellow vests). Also inform them if you have essential information about the fire or need help getting out. If you are mobility impaired, inform the block managers or the info desk. There is an evacuation chair at the A staircase.
Threats and harassment
If you as a student are personally exposed to harassment, threats or discover strange and deviant behaviour/actions, for example via e-mail, social media, telephone or at Arcada’s campus, do a security report with the following information:
- Note the date, time and place.
- Always save evidence as soon as possible, for example through a screenshot, picture or by writing down the content of a phone call. Never delete the threat from the original source.
- Contact the Head of Security or your own manager. All threats or deviant behaviour should be reported so that Arcada can take adequate measures.
- You will receive support on how to act and help to prepare a possible police report.
If you suspect or become a victim of a crime on Arcada's campus, such as theft or vandalism, you must:
- As accurately as possible note the date, time, place and potential material loss. This makes it possible to utilise Arcada's camera surveillance.
- Notify the info desk or security company of what has happened and give them your contact details and a description of the events.
- Make a security report and contact the Head of security.
- Agree with Arcada on how to proceed. In some cases, you must make a separate criminal report to the police, while in other cases a joint criminal report is made.
If you notice suspicious activity on campus, always report it to the info desk. You should also avoid leaving valuables in unlocked and unattended areas, and make sure that doors to blocks and classrooms are kept closed and that you do not let unauthorised persons in.
Power outage
If Arcada suffers an unexpected power outage, you do not need to interrupt your activities immediately, but wait calmly and follow the situation and the information given via the speaker system on campus and other communication channels. If possible, stay where you are. If the power outage lasts longer than two hours, all activities on campus will end and the Arcada building will close.
During a power cut, emergency lighting, cold water and toilets work. However, lifts do not work. Contact the info desk if you need assistance to move in the building when the lifts are out of use. Arcada's IT services may also be affected after a while.
If you receive information about a death related to Arcada, such as a student, employee or incident on Arcada's campus:
- Contact the rector.
- Do not spread information out of respect for the family and relatives.
Note that Arcada never shares information about deaths without first obtaining confirmation and permission from the relatives.