General information
Students within the Health and Welfare programmes need to have an ID-card when going on practical training.
Nursing-students will apply for a card in the Teams channel for the Nursing programme:
ID-card Nursing | Team code: x3iobff |
How to find the Teams Channel
Log in to Teams. In the right corner of the page with all Teams you are a member of, you will find this icon “Join or create team”. Click it. Enter the code for ID-card Nursing.
Instructions how to upload image
The image on the ID-card needs to be in color and in the type of a passport image. This is, not a selfie you took yourself so please ask someone else to take a picture of you. The picture may be taken with a mobile device as long as the quality is good.
Name your image as FirstnameLastname_programme, for example HannaGrönholm_nursing
Deadline during the Academic year 2024-2025
The ID-card is ready to be picked up approximately one week after every deadline. A notification will be sent in Teams when they are ready. You may pick up your ID-card from Arcada's Information desk. Please remember to bring your ID to confirm your identity.
If you have questions please contact Hanna Grönholm (Study Counselor).