The menu and structure of Arcada's study guide Start will be renewed as of Monday 6 June. The aim of the update is to improve accessibility and to adapt the content of the page to the three new schools of the UAS. 

The process on planning the new Start has been ongoing during the spring. The menu on Start will now be horizontal and the content will be grouped under fewer main headings. Among other things, all Arcada's degree programmes will be grouped under a separate heading to make them easier and quicker to find.

After the update, Start better meets the accessibility requirements for websites. At the same time, a broader categorisation of news will be launched with fewer news categories. Start will also get a page with contact information to all Arcada employees.

All content is preserved and moved over, but with the change in headings and structure, not everything may be where you are used to finding it. You are welcome to contact Communications at E-mail: if you have any questions or comments.