We are thrilled to invite you to the third session of Job Sprint – I AM A START-UP! Business approach to the job search networking session on 14 November. By attending this event, you will gain the confidence needed to boost your job search.
Please meet our guest speaker Elena Bazhenova, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Visual Components Oy.
Elena Bazhenova got her master's degree from the University of Eastern Finland and has been a PhD fellow at the University of Jyväskylä for 3 years. Her research field was computational physical chemistry, which involved simulation of chemical reactions through massively parallel computing. Elena’s focus at Visual Components Oy is on searching and taking on board talented people.
Why should you apply a business approach to your job search?
By attending this event, you will gain the confidence needed to boost your job search. The event is free of charge but a pre-registration by 12 November is required. Please register to the event here External link. Be sure not to miss this!
When? Tuesday 14 November 2023 at 16.00–17.30
Where? Career Centre, Arcada, Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 1, 00560 Helsingfors
Coffee, tea and light snacks will be served. Welcome!
The Career Centre Team
Save the date! Our following Job Sprint networking session will be on 28 November.