Before the start of your exchange studies, you will fill in a Learning Agreement and get it signed also by your degree program director (study counselor if you are a Business student) and the host university. In your Learning Agreement, fill in the courses you had listed in your preliminary study plan you submitted when you applied for exchange. In case changes are needed, please remember to discuss them with the person who accepted your preliminary study plan. The instructions that applied to the study plan also apply to the Learning Agreement. If needed, please find these instructions on the page Choice of courses and preliminary study plan If you have questions about how to fill out your LA, please contact international affairs. If your questions are related to your choice of courses or changes to them, it is the degree program director or study counselor who can help you (the same person you were in contact with when you made the preliminary study plan for you application).
Choose the right form for your Learning Agreement!
If you don't know what form you should choose, please check the partner institution database to find out if we have an Erasmus, a Nordplus or a Bilateral agreement with the university in question. You are also welcome to contact international affairs. When the LA is relevant to you, we have probably informed you about which option applies to you and asked you to start preparing your LA.
Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement, OLA
For students going on an Erasmus exchange to a university that has implemented OLA (Online Learning Agreement)
You will do your LA online ( External link) and you log in with your Arcada account by choosing eduGAIN login. Instructions will be sent by email.
Erasmus+ paper based Learning Agreement, LA
For students going on an Erasmus exchange to a university that has not yet implemented OLA (Online Learning Agreement)
- General Instructions on how to fill in the Learning Agreement External link
- ESI: not to be filled in
- Field of education (ISCED): please check the code for your degree program in the document on our Erasmus+ page here on start.
Arcada Learning Agreement
For students going on Nordplus exchange, bilateral exchange or freemover exchange
Changes to your Learning Agreement
If you change your courses after your LA has been signed, you need to make changes to your LA. More information and forms on During your exchange