After completing your study in Materials Processing Technology, you will be awarded a certificate with title of qualification: Bachelor of Engineering.

The degree statute is based on Finnish Polytechnics Act 932/2014 and the Polytechnics Decree 1129/2014. In order to receive a Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Processing Technology, you are required to complete 240 credits which incorporate module-based studies, practical trainings and a thesis work.

Structure of studies

  • General studies 30 cr
  • Professional studies 120 cr (that includes basic studies 30 cr and professional studies 90 cr)
  • Practical training 30 cr
  • Thesis and methodology 30 cr
  • Extension studies 30 cr

General studies

The general study module introduces you to your subject and in general to studies in higher education. Professional language studies in Finnish, Swedish and English are parts of your general studies. (Courses are defined in your study plan.)

Professional studies

Your professional studies consist of a 30 credits basic module and 90 credits of professionally oriented studies.

The basic module can be thought of as mostly incorporating core and advanced mathematics. The mathematics and other science courses in the basic module are designed to support your professional study modules.

The professional study consisting of design, materials and materials processing modules is established on ranges of engineering disciplines that interconnect mechanical engineering with sustainability. You will study the key engineering approaches followed in sustainable product design and development. As part of the process in a new product development, you will study selection of sustainable materials. In addition, you will study conventional and state-of-the-art material processing technologies.

Extension studies

Your extension studies complement your general and professional studies. These include 30 credit units in total that consist of two modules with 15 credits each. In your curriculum, you have ranges of options to choose modules. This includes advanced materials design, circular economy, Finnish language or even course completed in other UAS. Extension study modules are dynamic and are yearly updated in our curriculum. Therefore, any selected study module is structured to be completed within the study year. Foreign Students who are weak in Finnish are highly recommended to take Finnish for Beginners 1, 2 and 3. This may greatly assist in finding a position in Finnish companies. Any student wishing to take extension study modules/courses other than what are mentioned above, should obtain approval from the Programme Director first and make an individual study plan. This includes the following:

  • Courses studied abroad through exchange are accepted as part your extension studies. It may also compensate your professional studies.

  • Financing your own open studies at other University of Applied Sciences

Thesis and Methodology

The course module for the degree thesis includes a 15 credits thesis work and 15 credits of methodology studies. The Degree thesis is an independent research project that you undertake under the supervision of a lecturer. The courses in the thesis module will guide and instruct you how to successfully complete a thesis.

In the thesis, you need to demonstrate the following: theoretical knowledge of your subject, an ability to carry out practical research or project work, an ability to critically analyse the results and relate back to the theoretical knowledge, as well as an ability to present the results as a written academic report. The thesis topic should ideally be found in cooperation with the working life or current projects at Arcada. At the end the thesis, you will present your work at public presentations. The quality of your thesis has to meet the requirements of an education at a bachelor’s level, in accordance to EQF level 6. The Criteria for Bachelor thesis assessment can be found below on the page.

The last hand in date of a thesis is mid-April for graduating before the summer. Most Supervisors are not at Arcada in June or July.

Thesis application

Your thesis begins with you applying for a thesis title and submitting a thesis plan. Thesis topics can be selected from our laboratory webpage External link, or proposed, in case of working with companies.

For thesis works which are done for companies, a contract must be signed jointly by the company, student and supervisor. The degree thesis will be commissioned if there is a written agreement

Thesis project is usually done at the end of your study. The process of writing thesis takes from 6 months up to one year. After a successful completion of your thesis you will present your work and write a maturity exam.

More information about the thesis can be found on our common website about the thesis here on Start.

Work practice

The practical training (30 credits) should give knowledge and experience in relevance to working life and the programme studied. Read more about the practical training here: Practical training - Materials Processing Technology.

Degree and Master Thesis

The aim of studies at a university of applied sciences is to educate people in the skills of a specific professional area and develop an ability to conceptually analyse issues within that field.