Counselling related to studies is offered to all students at Arcada. Please be in contact if you feel that you need support of some kind.

The student support team provides individual counselling for all students at Arcada, on issues related to e.g. :

  • Learning skills; planning, motivation, time management, coping with stress
  • Career management; uncertainty about your choice of current studies, on your future or life situation
  • Access to support and counselling in how to study with dyslexia, adhd/add, mental issues, impairment in hearing, vision or mobility, injury or illness

Our discussions are confidential and I always ask for your permission in case it would help your studies to involve someone else. The service is free of charge and it isn´t limited to a certain amount of sessions. Please contact E-mail: and schedule an appointment!

Special Pedagogical Support

If you have learning difficulties or suspect that you might suffer from them, please contact the head of student well-being, psychologist Maria Höglund for an appointment (E-mail:

You might need special pedagogical support because of learning difficulties (dyslexia, adhd/add, Aspergers etc.), impairment in hearing, vision or mobility, or due to injury or illness. The difficulty can also be psychological. In order to be entitled to special pedagogical support, a real need must have been observed.

Special pedagogical support can for example include:

  • extended time for exams,
  • different tools (computer, special computer programs),
  • alternative examination forms etc.

The nature of the support depends on how your difficulty affects your studies. The aim with the special support is not to lower the requirements, but to support you in the learning process, so that you can achieve the requirements needed.

What should you do?

If you already have a certificate for dyslexia please book an appointment with Maria Höglund for presenting the certificate and for going through forms of support. If you don´t have a certificate for dyslexia or if you have any other kind of difficulty please book an appointment with for an evaluation and for going through forms of support.

When a need for special support has been found you will receive a "Certificate for special support at Arcada". It will apply during your studies at Arcada and you shall show it in order to be able to take into use the support that you need. Please notice that you shall contact the examiner within 3 weeks from the start of a course and specify which support is needed.