URHEA, the Metropolitan area sports academy, is a regional cooperation network whose mission is to support elite athletes in their quest to combine top-level sport with studies and daily life as well as in the development of training facilities in the metropolitan area.
Arcada has actively participated in URHEA since the Academy was founded in the late 1990s and officially became a member in 2003. Read more about URHEA on www.urhea.fi External link (in Finnish).
As an elite athlete you can apply for membership in URHEA and obtain access to the support the academy offers. Apply here: http://www.urhea.fi/urhea/hae_akatemiaan/ External link.
Active support from Arcada
As an elite athlete student at Arcada, you will get help to combine your studies with your sports career. You receive personal guidance where we also connect your coaches, to make your curriculum flexible and supple. Both the staff and the other students are aware that there are special arrangements around elite athlete students and that these should be respected. You also always have a contact person at the university who can be contacted when the need arises.
Arcada supports elite athletes by e.g.
- offering customized individual study guidance and an individual study plan (an individual study plan means e.g. arranging alternatives to such teaching or courses for which due to training camp or competition trips can’t be implemented in its entirety. The alternatives could include, among others, participation via webcam, participation in projects, and attainments at another university)
- cooperating with the coach/coaches to combine studies and training
- offering training facilities in or nearby the university
- offering services for athletes e.g. test possibilities and physiotherapy for a fee
- organizing information sessions and meetings for URHEA members
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