Software for your own computer
- Microsoft Office 365 (free)
- F-Secure (cheap)
- Dyslectics can get Stavarex, Spellright and ClaroRead. For more info, check here or contact our Study Coach.
- Mendeley External link to manage references in your documents. Download and install from
DreamSpark/ Microsoft Imagine Premium & OnTheHub
Students on degree programmes (not open university studies) and Arcada personnel can buy various Adobe, Microsoft and other products affordably through OnTheHub. Students on a STEM-programme, have additionally access to a STEM Microsoft Imagine Premium shop, where you can download many Microsoft products for free.
Am I a STEM student?
STEM students (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are all students who will become engineers, and also students on Företagsekonomi, International Business and International Business Management.
If you have questions regarding the installation of these software products, start with searching for help on OnTheHub or the DreamSpark site or ask your friends.
Web Stores
- OnTheHub and DreamSpark/ Microsoft Imagine Premium are located on External link
- start with choosing Find ypur School in the upper meny on OnTheHub
- -> College & University -> Select Country & Enter school name
- If you are a STEM-student and need a Microsoft product, go to STEM Microsoft Imagine Premium webshop. Otherwise choose the ordinary Arcada OnTheHub store.
- The site will check what kind of student you are by asking you to login through Luckan.
- Start shopping and PLEASE WRITE DOWN ALL LICENSE NUMBERS that the site might give you. These keys and numbers are not saved on the site more that 31 days. PLEASE ALSO SAVE the installation files in case you need them in the future.