Sisu and itslearning are essential tools for both students and staff.
Check out more info in the left column.
At Arcada you find a lot of different web and mobile services for students and staff. The most common are Sisu (where you enroll to courses) and itslearning (where you find course materials and can communicate with others).
You find the services in by under Web and mobile services in the menu. There you can get more information about the services.
Below you can find support and tutorials about the services.
itslearning is Arcada's elearning platform. When you enroll in a course on SISU, you will find it also in itslearning.
Office 365 and Onedrive
Students and personnel can use Office 365 online tools including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneDrive, Teams, and much more. With these, you can create and share documents, collaborate, and communicate with others.