Here you can find the contact information to the staff on the Phsytiotherapy Programme
The following members of staff are included in the physiotherapy team during the academic year 2014-2015 and are responsible for the education in physiotherapy. Additional staff contributes with their expert knowledge in the structure of the curriculum, as also the members of the physiotherapy team have other tasks and education at other programmes in the institution.
Our principal areas of responsibility in the Physiotherapy Programme
Kati Hellstén, Physiotherapist, B4, +358 294 282 530, E-mail: kati.hellsten
Thomas Hellstén, PhD Student, Physiotherapist, B4, +358 294 282 531, E-mail: thomas.hellsten
Linnéa von Hedenberg-Löfman, Physiotherapist, B4, +358 294 282 536, E-mail: linnea.vonhedenberg-lofman
Joachim Ring, Physiotherapist (MSc), Programme Director, B4, +358 294 282 825, E-mail: joachim.ring
Susanna Tallqvist, PhD Student, Physiotherapist, B4, + 358 294 282 631, E-mail: susanna.tallqvist
Karin von Smitten-Stubb, Physiotherapist (MSc), B4, +358 294282748, E-mail: vonsmika
Maria Enoksson, Amanuensis, B4, +358 294 282 572, E-mail: maria.enoksson