This information is important specially for students in the  Degree Programme in Nursing at Arcada.  Please notice that you as a student are responsible of the documentation over the vaccionation  you have gotten.

Section 48 of the revised Infectious Diseases Act

Before the first practical training students enrolled in Social and Health care are required to check their vaccinations and get the Tuberculous risk assessment checked.

Section 48 of the revised Infectious Diseases Act governs the immunity of students participating in practical training, the aim being to protect patients. This section will apply from 1 March 2018. The purpose of the Act is to ensure that all staff members and students working at health care and social services units get vaccinated against influenza every year and are protected against measles and varicella, through either vaccination or a personal history of the disease. Those caring for children aged under 1 year must also be vaccinated against pertussis. This will improve the safety of both patients and the students.

Your practical training locations are required by law to check your suitability. It is enough that you tell your practical placement that your vaccinations are checked. A student at the degree programme in Nursing will not be permitted to begin practical training if vaccinations are not in order or hasn’t checked the risk of tuberculosis. Your practical training period may be cancelled if your suitability cannot be confirmed.

Please note, HUS demands you to bring a certificate to your practical training it is not enough to tell them.

Vaccination certificate ("Tartunta selvitys")

  • Check your vaccination status You can check your vaccination status using YHTS self-assessment form (linked below).
  • If you are not fully vaccinated or if you are not sure, please contact YHTS. If vaccination is contraindicated and you cannot be vaccinated because of an allergy, for example, the YHTS will issue a statement to this effect.
  • If vaccination status is by law, a verbal statement or your own notification compliant with section 48 is sufficient. A written statement about the vaccines you’ve received or diseases you’ve had is not required. (THL 2019)

Vaccinations are free of charge and can be given by YHTS. You can book an appointment at YHTS by calling to 046 710 1073.

Getting vaccinated is voluntary, and presenting a statement on suitability is also voluntary. However, your practical training location is required by law to check your suitability and the employer is not obliged to accept you for the training if your suitability cannot be confirmed.

Here is the link to YHTS page and the self-assessment form External link

You will need a document confirming immunity for the diseases listed below

MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella):

Check that you have 2 doses of MMR vaccine or that you have had measles/mumps/rubella. If you do not have evidence of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella, talk with the nurse about getting vaccinated. Vaccinations are free of charge.

If you are unsure if have you been vaccinated, you should first try to find your vaccination records and then contact YHTS.

Varicella (Chickenpox)

Check that you have an immunity for chickenpox. If you have not had chickenpox, you will need varicella vaccines x 2.

DT (Tetanus, diphtheria).

Check the date of your last Tetanus, diphtheria vaccine.  

Tdap  (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)

You need this vaccination if you are going to work or practice with children under the age of 1.

B-hepatitis (3 doses)

Vaccine is offered to all nursing students. Medical and dentistry students are entitled to free vaccinations against hepatitis B. You will be given separate information on the practical aspects of getting vaccinated.

Flu (Influenza) vaccine

The vaccine will be free of charge and available for all social, health care, and medical care personnel.

You need yearly vaccinations if you are studying/working in social and health care.


Get the Tuberculous risk assessment done

Who is at risk of tuberculosis? You might be at risk of TB infection:

  • If you  were born in a country  where there is an increased risk of Tuberculosis infection (f.ex. countries in Africa, Asia)
  • If you have been around people with active TB  or have treated patients with tuberculosis in any country
  • If you have lived at least 12 months or worked in healthcare for at least 3 months in a country with a very high incidence of tuberculosis

Here is more information about the tuberculous self-assessment External link