On this page you will find an overview of the different scholarship criteria based on your year of admission.

Scholarship criteria if you were admitted in 2024

A scholarship of 40 percent of the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year can be granted to students who fulfill the following criteria:

  • The student is a bachelor's degree student who has studied for at least one academic year at Arcada.
  • The student has completed an average of 55 ECTS* per academic year with a grade point average of 4.5 or higher during their studies at Arcada.

If granted a scholarship, the tuition fee to be paid is 5700 euros for the entire academic year or 2850 euros for one semester. If a student does not fulfill the scholarship requirement, they must pay the whole tuition fee of 9500 euros for the academic year or 4750 euros for one semester.

Please note, students who are refugees, asylum seekers or persons under temporary protection and have been admitted to studies starting in 2024 are entitled to a different scholarship.

*The demanded 55 credits can consist of studies completed at Arcada or courses completed at other universities/universities of applied sciences (added to your transcript of credits through accreditation), either prior to you commencing your studies at Arcada or during your studies at Arcada. Please note that the transferred credits have to fit into your curriculum and be included in your final degree (example: courses have to align with your degree programme's competencies). Please contact your study counselor before applying for accreditation, and also before you sign up for courses at other universities/universities of applied sciences. Studies completed during exchange studies are registered with the following grades: Pass or Fail. The grade average on your transcript of credits is not affected by courses graded Pass/Fail.

Scholarship criteria if you were admitted autumn 2020, 2021, 2022 or 2023

A scholarship of 30 percent of the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year can be granted to students who fulfill the following criteria:

  • The student is a bachelor's degree student who has studied for at least one academic year at Arcada.
  • The student has completed at least 60 ECTS* per academic year. All credits must be included in the student's study plan.

A scholarship of 50 percent of the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year can be granted to students who fulfill the following criteria:

  • The student is a bachelor's degree student who has studied for at least one academic year at Arcada.
  • The student has completed at least 60 ECTS* per academic year. All credits must be included in the student's study plan.
  • The student has a grade average of 4 or higher at the time of submitting the scholarship application. The grade average is calculated based on the total number of credits, not only for the current academic year.

*The demanded 60 credits can consist of studies completed at Arcada or courses completed at other universities/universities of applied sciences (added to your transcript of credits through accreditation), either prior to you commencing your studies at Arcada or during your studies at Arcada. Please note that the transferred credits have to fit into your curriculum and be included in your final degree (example: courses have to align with your degree programme's competencies). Please contact your study counselor before applying for accreditation, and also before you sign up for courses at other universities/universities of applied sciences. Studies completed during exchange studies are registered with the following grades: Pass or Fail. The grade average on your transcript of credits is not affected by courses graded Pass/Fail.

Study programme Credits completed Grade average (1-5) Scholarship Tuition fee to be paid (academic year/semester)
IB and/or MSE 60 ECTS 4 or higher 50 percent 4250 euros / 2125 euros 
IB and/or MSE 60 ECTS 3.99 or lower 30 percent 5950 euros / 2975 euros
IB and/or MSE Fewer than 60 ECTS Any grade average Not eligible 8500 euros / 4250 euros
Nursing 60 ECTS 4 or higher 50 percent 2500 euros / 1250 euros
Nursing 60 ECTS 3.99 or lower 30 percent 3500 euros / 1750 euros
Nursing Fewer than 60 ECTS Any grade average Not eligible 5000 euros / 2500 euros

Please note one exception: the tuition fee for the last semester on International Business is 4000 euros without a scholarship, 2000 euros with a 50 percent scholarship or 2800 euros with a 30 percent scholarship.

Scholarship criteria if you were admitted autumn 2017, 2018 or 2019

A scholarship of 50 percent of the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year can be granted to students who fulfill the following criteria:

  • The student is a bachelor's degree student who has studied for at least one academic year at Arcada.
  • The student has completed at least 55 ECTS per academic year.
Credits completed Scholarship Tuition fee to be paid (academic year) Tuition fee to be paid (semester)
55 ECTS 50 percent 3000 euros 1500 euros
Fewer than 55 ECTS Not eligible 6000 euros 3000 euros