Submit the following documents within one month after the end of your exchange period: 

Things to do and hand in after your exchange

In the final stage of your exchange, you will receive a link to a MoveON form through which you can submit exchange-related documents.

1. Travel Report

  • Write a travel report (instructions for the report). The report will be published in the partner institution database in start (if you give your permission to do so) so that students who plan to go abroad can read about your experience. 

2. Transcript of Records

  • Transcript of Records (ToR) is often sent directly to you. Please forward it to us when you have received it. Most likely it takes a bit more than one month, please forward it as soon as you get your transcript of records. 

For Erasmus exchange students also paragraphs 3-4 below

The second installment of the grant will be paid only after you have submitted all documents/tasks (1-4).

3. Letter of Confirmation

  • As Erasmus student you should bring back a signed Letter of Confirmation. Please find the document on this page (During your exchange) Upload a scanned copy of your Letter of Confirmation in your MoveON form-

4. EU Survey

  • Fill in the EU Survey Report online. You will receive an email with a link to the report after your exchange period.

Courses will be registered in SISU

If your Learning Agreement is up to date and you have taken courses as planned, we will register your courses in SISU after you have completed all steps mentioned above.

Courses you have completed during your exchange will be registered in SISU as passed. The original grade will not be registered, as the grading scale is unlikely the same as the one used at Arcada. Due to equal treatment of all students, courses will be registered as passed even if the grading scale at the host university is the same as the one Arcada uses.

Take part in the re-entry training

You will receive more information about the re-entry training to your Arcada email address.