Tore Ståhl

Affiliated Researcher

Phone number:0294 282 504

I have a M.Ed. from University of Helsinki and I'm a doctoral candidate at University of Tampere. I've been teaching ICT throughout the 1990s, practising eLearning and developing the prerequisites for eLearning within higher education since 2001. During 2015-2018 I was assigned as Head of IT and since 2019, I'm assigned as Researcher in Education, with the task to support the development of educational practices at Arcada. My research interest concerns how ICT, media and the ubiquitous access to information may have changed the way we view knowledge and learning, so called epistemic beliefs.… External link… External link

Recent publications
Ståhl, T. (2014). Bakom eller framför katedern? Utmaningar i nätstödd flerformspedagogik. I C. Wikström-Grotell, & C. Tigerstedt (red.), Pedagogiska steg mot en kompetensbaserad studieplan, aktivt lärande och samhällsorienterad nyttoforskning (s. 91-102).… External link
Ståhl, T. (2017). How ICT savvy are Digital Natives actually? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 12(3), 89-108.… External link
Ståhl, T. (2019). Epistemic Beliefs and Googling. Frontline Learning Research, 7(3), 27-63.… External link
Ståhl, T. (2019). IT-förvaltning, digitalisering och pedagogik. UAS Journal, (2), Tillgänglig:… External link
Ståhl, T. (2020). Epistemically Tuned-in? Paper presented at the Eapril 2019, Tartu, Estonia. (6) 1-12. Available at: External link.
Ståhl, T., & Levälahti, F. (2020). Future Competencies in the Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In C. Wikström-Grotell, & N. Hyde-Clarke (Eds.), Higher Education during COVID-19 and Future Competences (pp. 44-63). Yrkeshögskolan Arcada. Available at:… External link
Ståhl, T., Sormunen, E., & Mäkinen, M. (2021). Epistemic beliefs and internet reliance – is algorithmic authority part of the picture? Information and Learning Sciences, 122(11/12), 726-748.… External link
Ståhl, T., & Mildén, P. (2017). Applying the FEE to explore epistemic beliefs among students. In A. Bernholt, H. Gruber & B. Moschner (Eds.), Wissen und Lernen. Wie epistemische Überzeugungen Schule, Universität und Arbeitswelt beeinflussen [Knowing and learning. The influence of epistemic beliefs on schools, universities and working life] (pp. 59-97). Waxmann Verlag. Available at: External link