Here you will find words and concepts that are often used in the higher education sector and the variants that are recommended in Arcada's communication.
academic year | läsår |
alumnus (m), alumna (f), alumni (pl) | alumn |
applicant | sökande |
continuing education | kontinuerligt lärande/fortbildning |
credit | studiepoäng |
degree certificate | examensbetyg |
degree programme | utbildning (då specifika examensutbildningar/program avses) |
degree thesis | lärdomsprov |
education | utbildning (på en allmän nivå) |
entrance exams | urvalsprov |
field of education; field of study | utbildningsområde/studieområde |
higher education institution (HEI) | högskola (då både universitet och yrkeshögskolor avses) |
joint application | gemensam ansökan |
level of education; educational level | utbildningsnivå |
research staff | forskningspersonal |
student | student |
study module | studiehelhet |
study unit | studieavsnitt |
teaching | undervisning |
teaching staff | undervisningspersonal |
tuition fee | läsårsavgift |
university of applied sciences (UAS) | yrkeshögskola |
If you need a more comprehensive glossary, there is the Glossary of Education. The glossary is a good tool for anyone who needs knowledge of which educational terms are recommended in Swedish, Finnish and English. You can find the dictionary here. External link