As a student at Arcada you have great possibilities to do an exchange abroad as part of your studies.

It is enriching for you as a student on both a professional and personal level. The experiences gained opens new doors and opportunities.

  • Exchange studies are integrated in your degree and should not delay your graduation.
  • When going on exchange to an Arcada partner university, you will receive a scholarship.

The application period for spring 2025 is: 6.5.2024-4.10.2024

N.B! Applications to our partners universities in Canada (autumn OR spring!) always need to be handed in during the spring term due to long application processes.

Business students NOTE! As your study orientations only become clear in June, you cannot submit an application before the summer. Contact your study advisor Hanna Grönholm with questions regarding the study plan for exchange in August at the earliest when your study orientation has become clear! This does not prevent you from participating in the information session in May (see date below

Application information 

We organize information sessions regarding the application process for those who wishes to apply for studies abroad.

Information session for exchange in spring 2025 will be held Thursday 5.9.2024 at 14.30-15.30 on Zoom, the meeting link is the following External link

More information about studies abroad, Arcada's partner universities and the application can be found under Exchange studies. You can also contact E-mail: E-mail: with any questions.