16.12.2024 09:44
Arcadas yearly recruitment fair My Future Work takes place on Wednesday 15.1.2025.
Save the date!
The programme is open for all students and alumni at Arcada.
Participating organisations (updated continuously):
- Crosskey Banking Solutions
- The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
- Espoo City
- Folkhälsan
- Helsinki City Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
- Helsinki City Education Division
- JAG Assistans
- Lime Technologies
- Nordjobb / Youth League of the Finnish Norden Association
- Seure Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy
- Terveystalo
- Tradenomiliitto TRAL ry
- Vantaa City
- Worldline
- The wellbeing services county of East Uusimaa