Matteo Stocchetti

Principal Lecturer in Media Culture

Phone number:0294 282 659

Matteo Stocchetti is Docent in Political Communication at Åbo Academy and Helsinki University, and Principal Lecturer in Media Culture at Arcada. His research interests include critical studies in politics, media & technology, pedagogy and epistemology. He has recently edited the collection of essay "The digital Age and Its Discontent. Helsinki:Helsinki UP, 2020. Among his recent publications also:
- Stocchetti, M (2020). ‘(Dis)Information, Neoliberalism and the Strength of Democracy in the Digital Age’. in G. Terzis, D. Kloza, E. Kużelewska and D. Trottier (eds.) Disinformation and Digital Media as a Challenge for Democracy, EIDS 6, Intersentia, Cambridge 2020, pp. 47-80.
- Stocchetti, M. 2020. ‘Editorial: The digital age and its discontents’. Educational Philosophy and Theory,… External link
- Stocchetti, M (2020). ‘Selfie, Interpellation and the Neoliberal Project: A preliminary study’. KOME. An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry. Vol. 8, Issue 1. DOI: 10.17646/KOME.75672.37