The course is included in these curricula and study modules


Professional studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Cycle/level of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

10 cr

Competency aims

The aim of the course is that student
- deepens his/her knowledge of social problems,
social exclusion and risk society
- describe and discuss issues of diversity,
inclusion and citizenship in the field of
organizational and professional development.
- can describe different kinds of social
pedagogical methods and actual laws according
to services in social rehabilitation and mental
- reflect on his / hers competence in
communication and interaction in purpose to
support users ability to function in every day

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is
expected to be able to
- identify and explain reasons marginalization
and exklusion
- analyze different kinds of
social problems and consequences of them both
on individual and society level
- Discuss both content and purpose of social
work and social pedagogical work
- investigate the (service)users rights and
possibilities to get adequate service
- Describe the current law and there by the
right to support and care
- Reflect on and discuss social inclusion and
different kinds of social pedagogical methods.

Course contents

Social risk, Multiproblems, Marginalizing,Social
exclusion, Social services, Social work, Social
inclusion, diversity, citizenship,Interaction

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Learning and Introduction
The Connections between the Human Being and the
Life span psychology
The Welfare of the Human Being and Finnish

Previous course names


Additional information

To pass the course the student should pass the
following examinations:
1. written report according to instructions
2. Participation in Seminar
Also presence at Tutorials, Studyvisits and
Seminarium are compulsory, schedule
according to ARBS.

Recommended or required reading

Central litetratur
Tema 1
Giddens, A. Sutton, P. (2021) Sociologi. Lund.
Studentlitteratur. Speciellt kap. 12: Fattigdom,
social exkludering och välfärd och kap 19
Kriminalitet och annat avvikande beteende.
Lalander, P. & Svensson B. (red). 2014. Perspektiv
på social utsatthet. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Leeman, L. & Hämäläinen, R-M. (2016)
Asiakasosallisuus, sosiaalinen osallisuus ja
matalan kynnyksen palvelut. Pohdintaa käsitteiden
sisällöstä. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka (2432). External link
Madsen.B. 2006. Socialpedagogik: integration och
inklusion i det moderna samhället. Lund.
Meeuwisse, A. & Swärd, H. (red.). 2013. Perspektiv
på sociala problem. Stockholm. Natur och Kultur.
Nivala, E. 2005. Citizenship and Social Pedagogy.
Sosiaalipedagoginen aikakausikirja 2005/6 ss 115-
Rosengren, Å. m fl. (2019) Socionomstuderandenas
förståelse av begreppet delaktighet.
Sosiaalipedagoginen aikakausikirja. External link
Swärd, H.2008. Hemlöshet. Lund. Studentlitteratur
Johansson, K. & Wirbing, P. 2008. Riskbruk och
missbruk. Alkohol-läkemedel-narkotika.
Uppmärksamma, motivera och behandla inom
primärvård, socialtjänst och psykiatri. Stockholm.
Natur och Kultur.

Tema 2
Askheim, O-P, Starrin, P. (2007). Empowerment: I
teorin och praktik. Gleerups.
Cederlund, C. & Berglund, S-A. (2014)
Socialpedagogik- pedagogiskt socialt arbete.
Stockholm. LiberAB
Helminen, J. (2013) Päämääränä sosiaalialan
ammattilaisuus: Sosiaaliohjaajien näkemyksiä
ammattialasta ja alan tulevaisuuskuvasta. External link
Cederlund, C m fl. (2020). I huvudet på en
socialpedagog. En studie om yrkesverksamma
välfärdsarbetare och deras föreställningar om
https://www.diva External link-
Helminen, J. (2016). Sosiaaliohjaus: Lähtökohtia
ja käytäntöjä. Helsinki. Edita. Speciellt kapitlen
Sosiaaliohjaus asiakastyössä och Aikuisten ja
ikääntyvien parissa tehtävä sosiaaliohjaus.
Laanterä, S. & Saunders H. (red) 2020. Sosiaali-
ja terveysalan ammattilaisten geneerinen
osaaminen. Speciellt följande artiklar:
? Asiakaslähtöisen osaamisen sisällön
tarkastelua sosiaali- ja terveysalan kontekstissa
? Aspekter på handlednings-och
? Palvelujärjestelmäosaaminen
? Kännedom om lagstiftning och etisk
kompetens External link
Näkki, P. & Sayed, T. (red.) (2015) Asiakastyön
menetelmiä sosiaalialalla. 2015. Helsinki. Edita


Barth, T.(red.)2006. Motiverande samtal-MI. Att
hjälpa en människa till förändring på hennes
egna villkor. Studentlitteratur

Study activities

  • Lectures - 45 hours
  • Excursions and demonstrations - 30 hours
  • Small-group work - 30 hours
  • Individual studies - 155 hours
  • Seminars - 10 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 270 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 270 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 0 hours

Mode of Delivery

Multiform education

Assessment methods

  • Exams (written-, oral-, home-)

Assessment requirements

Tutorials and Seminarium According to ARBS.
The tutorials,one individually written rapport and
the seminarium should be accomplished before
getting the final grade.


  • Cederberg Arla
  • Kiukas Carina
  • Paakkonen Heikki
  • Sigfrids Ingmar
  • Söderström Eivor


Cederberg Arla

Group size

No limit

Assignments valid until

Until date 2021-12-31

The timetable of the course

Studieenheten pågår under period 1 (30.8-

Assessment methods

  • 2021-09-23 - Exams
  • 2021-10-20 - Other assignments

Course and curriculum search