The course is included in these curricula and study modules

Nurse - perioperative care 2001 - 2004 - Perioperative nursing


Extension studies

Teaching language


Type of course


Recommended year of study


Total number of ECTS

1 cr

Competency aims

The purpose is that the students enter deeply into perioperative nursing. They put their knowledge into practice in anaesthesia nursing, especially in the intraoperative phase.

Learning outcomes

The students take part in the preoperative preparations of the patient, and the postoperative observations. They train their ability to analyze and reflect over the patients unique situation during the ongoing anaetshesia. The students make use of nursing research, and try to define caring problems in the field.

Course contents

Methods in anaesthesia nursing in theory and practice.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Day Surgery and Intensive Nursing Care

Recommended or required reading

Rosenberg,P et al. Anestesiologia ja tehohoito. 1999. Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy, ISBN 951-656-031-8 (valda delar)
Korte, R. et al. Perioperatiivinen hoito. 1996. WSOY: gaafiset laitokset. Porvoo. (valda delar)
Aktuella artiklar och forskningrapporter

Study activities

  • Lectures - 12 hours
  • Individual studies - 20 hours


  • Total workload of the course: 32 hours
  • Of which autonomous studies: 20 hours
  • Of which scheduled studies: 12 hours

Mode of Delivery

Participation in tuition

Assessment methods



Tast Marianne

Group size

No limit

Course completion date

Date for course completion will be announced later

Assignments valid until

12 months after course has ended

The timetable of the course

06.02.07 kl. 12-15.30 (4h)
07.02.07 kl. 8.30-12 (4h)
09.02.07 kl. 9-16 självstudier
15.02.07 kl. 16-19.15 (4h)

Assessment methods

2007-04-25 - Exams

Course and curriculum search